Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Adalet Ön Lisans Diploması
Sorumlu KurumÇankaya Üniversitesi
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim BilgisiYukarıyurtçu Mahallesi Eskişehir Yolu 29. Km, Mimar Sinan Caddesi No:4, 06790 Etimesgut/Ankara
Sorumlu Kurum URL
AYÇ Seviyesi5
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.
TYÇ Seviyesi 5
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan)Hukuk
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)


Kredi Değeri120
Programın Normal Süresi 2
Program Profili (Amaç)-
Öğrenme Ortamları-
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Temel kavramlara hakimiyet ve temel olarak özel hukuk ve kamu hukukunun temel özellik ve prensiplerine ilişkin bilgiye sahip olur.
  • Hukukun uygulanması, yorumlanması ve problem çözme yeteneklerini kazanır.
  • Uygulamada ortaya çıkan hukuki uyuşmazlıkların hukuki sebep ve hukuki sonuçlarını kavrayabilir.
  • Hukuki kavramlara hakim olarak, yargı kararlarına ulaşabilir, inceleyip anlayabilir, yorumlayarak değerlendirebilir.
  • Teorik derslere ek olarak farazi olaylardan hareket edilerek işlenen ve hukuki olayların çözümüne dayalı derslerden de faydalanarak temel hukuki problemleri çözme yeteneğine kavuşur.
  • Hukuk bilgisini, diğer sosyal bilimlerin hukuk ile kesişme noktalarını farkedebilir ve bilgisini bu alanlarda kullanabilir.
  • Adli hizmetler alanında, kendisinden beklenebilecek her türlü bilgi ve beceriye sahip olur.
  • Hukuki alandaki bir çalışma yapabilmek için ulaşması gerekli kaynakları ve ulaşma yollarını bilir, kendi başına bağımsız olarak bir çalışma yürütebilir.
  • Hukuki alanda işbirliği içinde çalışabilmek bakımından gerekli donanıma sahiptir.
  • Sahip olduğu bir bilgiyi eleştirebilir, pozitif hukukun yanı sıra, olması gereken hukukla ilgili düşünce üretebilir.
  • Öğrenimi doğrudan adalet yardımcı hizmetlerinde yer alabilmesini sağlayacak nitelikte olup, lisans düzeyine geçmek bakımından da motivasyon sahibidir.
  • Hukukun toplum ihtiyaçlarına parelel olarak şekillendiğinin ve gelecekte de buna göre şekilleneceğinin farkında olarak, hukuk öğreniminin ömür boyu olduğunun bilincindedir.
  • Hukuki kavramları, yazılı ve sözlü olarak yerinde kullanır.
  • Temel hukuki problemlerde, uzman olan ve olmayan kişileri yönlendirebilir, onlarla tartışabilir ve düşüncelerini düzgün bir şekilde aktarabilir.
  • Genel düzeyde yabancı dilde yazılı ve sözlü iletişim kurabilir.
  • Bilişim ve bilgisayar kullanımı konusunda, hukuk alanının gerektirdiği her türlü bilgi ve beceriye sahiptir.
  • Demokratik alana ait bir hukuk öğrenimi görmekle, hukuk alanının özgürlükleri tanıma ve buna bağlı olarak anayasal temel prensiplerin ışığında faaiyet göstermesi ve gösterilmesi gerektiğinin farkındadır.
  • Ahlaksız ve dürüst olmayan bir hukukun var olamayacağını bildiği gibi, ahlak ve hukuk ilişkisinin düzeyi arttıkça hukuk alanının da bireyler lehine genişleyeceğinin bilincindedir.
Anahtar Yetkinlikler -
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri

Sınavlar, değerlendirme ve notlandırma Çankaya Üniversitesi Lisans ve Ön Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim Yönetmeliğine göre yürütülmektedir.

Kalite Güvencesi-
Giriş Şartı

Aday öğrenciler, programımıza Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi ‘nce (ÖSYM) yerleştirilme yapılmaktadır. Kayıtlar her yıl ÖSYM tarafından belirlenen tarihler arasında Üniversitemiz Öğrenci İşleri Daire Başkanlığı'nca yapılmaktadır.

Başarma ŞartlarıÖğrencilerin müfredatlarında bulunan tüm dersleri başarı ile tamamlamış olmaları (en az DD almış olmaları), genel not ortalamalarının 4,00 üzerinden en az 2,00 olması ve asgari 120 AKTS kredisini sağlamış olmaları gerekmektedir.
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Mezunlarımız, adliyelerde yazı işleri müdürlüğü, icra dairesi müdürlüğü, zabıt kâtipliği ile ceza infaz kurumlarında infaz memurluğu ve müdürlük yapabilmektedir. Öte yandan avukatlık ve noterlik büroları ile bankacılık ve sigorta kuruluşlarının gerek hukuki bilgi gerekse resmi yazışma bilgisine sahip eleman ihtiyaçları, mezunlarımıza önemli bir istihdam olanağı sağlamaktadır. Dikey Geçiş Sınavı imkanlarından faydalanarak Hukuk Fakültesi'ne geçiş sağlayabilirler.

Yasal Dayanağı-
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)-
Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi Adresi Aç
Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Adalet Ön Lisans Diploması

Sorumlu Kurum
Çankaya Üniversitesi

Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi
Yukarıyurtçu Mahallesi Eskişehir Yolu 29. Km, Mimar Sinan Caddesi No:4, 06790 Etimesgut/Ankara

Sorumlu Kurum URL


Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)


AYÇ Seviyesi

TYÇ Seviyesi
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.

Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)



Kredi Değeri

Programın Normal Süresi

Program Profili (Amaç)

Öğrenme Ortamları

Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Temel kavramlara hakimiyet ve temel olarak özel hukuk ve kamu hukukunun temel özellik ve prensiplerine ilişkin bilgiye sahip olur.
  • Hukukun uygulanması, yorumlanması ve problem çözme yeteneklerini kazanır.
  • Uygulamada ortaya çıkan hukuki uyuşmazlıkların hukuki sebep ve hukuki sonuçlarını kavrayabilir.
  • Hukuki kavramlara hakim olarak, yargı kararlarına ulaşabilir, inceleyip anlayabilir, yorumlayarak değerlendirebilir.
  • Teorik derslere ek olarak farazi olaylardan hareket edilerek işlenen ve hukuki olayların çözümüne dayalı derslerden de faydalanarak temel hukuki problemleri çözme yeteneğine kavuşur.
  • Hukuk bilgisini, diğer sosyal bilimlerin hukuk ile kesişme noktalarını farkedebilir ve bilgisini bu alanlarda kullanabilir.
  • Adli hizmetler alanında, kendisinden beklenebilecek her türlü bilgi ve beceriye sahip olur.
  • Hukuki alandaki bir çalışma yapabilmek için ulaşması gerekli kaynakları ve ulaşma yollarını bilir, kendi başına bağımsız olarak bir çalışma yürütebilir.
  • Hukuki alanda işbirliği içinde çalışabilmek bakımından gerekli donanıma sahiptir.
  • Sahip olduğu bir bilgiyi eleştirebilir, pozitif hukukun yanı sıra, olması gereken hukukla ilgili düşünce üretebilir.
  • Öğrenimi doğrudan adalet yardımcı hizmetlerinde yer alabilmesini sağlayacak nitelikte olup, lisans düzeyine geçmek bakımından da motivasyon sahibidir.
  • Hukukun toplum ihtiyaçlarına parelel olarak şekillendiğinin ve gelecekte de buna göre şekilleneceğinin farkında olarak, hukuk öğreniminin ömür boyu olduğunun bilincindedir.
  • Hukuki kavramları, yazılı ve sözlü olarak yerinde kullanır.
  • Temel hukuki problemlerde, uzman olan ve olmayan kişileri yönlendirebilir, onlarla tartışabilir ve düşüncelerini düzgün bir şekilde aktarabilir.
  • Genel düzeyde yabancı dilde yazılı ve sözlü iletişim kurabilir.
  • Bilişim ve bilgisayar kullanımı konusunda, hukuk alanının gerektirdiği her türlü bilgi ve beceriye sahiptir.
  • Demokratik alana ait bir hukuk öğrenimi görmekle, hukuk alanının özgürlükleri tanıma ve buna bağlı olarak anayasal temel prensiplerin ışığında faaiyet göstermesi ve gösterilmesi gerektiğinin farkındadır.
  • Ahlaksız ve dürüst olmayan bir hukukun var olamayacağını bildiği gibi, ahlak ve hukuk ilişkisinin düzeyi arttıkça hukuk alanının da bireyler lehine genişleyeceğinin bilincindedir.

Anahtar Yetkinlikler

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri

Sınavlar, değerlendirme ve notlandırma Çankaya Üniversitesi Lisans ve Ön Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim Yönetmeliğine göre yürütülmektedir.

Kalite Güvencesi

Giriş Şartı

Aday öğrenciler, programımıza Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi ‘nce (ÖSYM) yerleştirilme yapılmaktadır. Kayıtlar her yıl ÖSYM tarafından belirlenen tarihler arasında Üniversitemiz Öğrenci İşleri Daire Başkanlığı'nca yapılmaktadır.

Başarma Şartları
Öğrencilerin müfredatlarında bulunan tüm dersleri başarı ile tamamlamış olmaları (en az DD almış olmaları), genel not ortalamalarının 4,00 üzerinden en az 2,00 olması ve asgari 120 AKTS kredisini sağlamış olmaları gerekmektedir.

İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Mezunlarımız, adliyelerde yazı işleri müdürlüğü, icra dairesi müdürlüğü, zabıt kâtipliği ile ceza infaz kurumlarında infaz memurluğu ve müdürlük yapabilmektedir. Öte yandan avukatlık ve noterlik büroları ile bankacılık ve sigorta kuruluşlarının gerek hukuki bilgi gerekse resmi yazışma bilgisine sahip eleman ihtiyaçları, mezunlarımıza önemli bir istihdam olanağı sağlamaktadır. Dikey Geçiş Sınavı imkanlarından faydalanarak Hukuk Fakültesi'ne geçiş sağlayabilirler.

Yasal Dayanağı

Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi
Adresi Aç

Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Awarding BodyÇankaya University
Awarding Body ContactYukarıyurtçu Mahallesi Eskişehir Yolu 29. Km, Mimar Sinan Caddesi No:4, 06790 Etimesgut/Ankara
Awarding Body Url
EQF Level5
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.
TQF Level 5
Thematic AreasLaw
National Occupation Classification


Credit Value120
Program Duration2
Program Profile-
Learning Environments-


Program Qualifications

Graduates are in command of basic concepts of the law and basic legal principles.

Graduates have the command of basic principles and the knowledge related to the primary features and principles of private and public law.

Graduates have the basic knowledge related to the methodology of law.

Graduates have the skills for problem solving and the implementation and interpretation of law.

Graduates have the knowledge of the primary concerns in the implementation of the law.

Graduates are able to pick up the legal reasons and results of the legal disputes in the course of implementation.

Judgement examines, interprets and evaluates the Basic Law texts at a minimum level.

Graduates are able to reach and examine the judicial decisions and evaluate them by interpretation using the knowledge of legal concepts.

Graduates are able to solve simple legal issues with the help of basic knowledge related to the basic concepts of law and law methodology.

Graduates have the ability to solve the primary issues of law with the help of the courses that were oriented for the solutions of hypothetical situations in addition to theoretical courses.

Graduates use the knowledge that is acquired related to the basic concepts of law, law methodology and primary law issues in law and other related social sciences.

Graduates are able to recognize the conflux of law and other social sciences, and use his/her knowledge in these fields.

Graduates have the skills that enable them to use the core knowledge that is required for meeting the needs in the field of judicial services.

Graduates have the knowledge and skills that are expected in the fields of judicial services.

Graduates are able to conduct basic works related to the field of law on independently.

Graduates know the access points and sources that are required to conduct a work in the field of law and are able to conduct work independently.

Graduates are able to conduct the activities aimed at the employees' development within the framework of a project.

Graduates have the equipment required to work in cooperation in the field of law.

Graduates are able to evaluate information and issues related to the basic concepts and issues of law critically.

Graduates are able to criticize the information they have had and generate ideas related to “de lege frenda” as well as positive law.

Graduates are able to orient their education to law undergraduate level of judicial services.

Graduates have the education that enable them to participate in judicial services directly and have the motivation to transfer to the undergraduate level.

They acquire the consciousness for life-long learning.

While they are aware of the fact that the law takes and will always take form in parallel with society's needs, graduates know that a legal education is a life-long process.


Graduates are able to express their opinions related to the basic concepts and issues both in written form and orally.

Graduates use the law's concepts both in written form and orally.

Graduates share their opinions in primary subjects related to the field of law both with the specialists and non-specialists.

Graduates are able to guide both the specialists and non-specialists in primary law issues and discuss and express their opinions decently.

Graduates are able to follow the basic information in the field of law and communicate with their colleagues by using a foreign language while using an A2 level of the European Language Portfolio.

Graduates are able to communicate in foreign language both in written form and orally at international standards.

Graduates use the informatics and communication technologies as well as computer software in a baseline level that the field of law requires.

Graduates have the knowledge and skills that the field of law requires in informatics and computer use.

Graduates adopt the principles with the consciousness of the importance and irreplaceability of primary principles in constitutional values, like democracy, secularism, the social state and the supremacy of law.

Graduates are aware of the fact that they have to act in the light of constitutional basic principles with their education in democratic law.

Graduates have the consciousness of honest, justice and an ethical approach that the bar requires.

Graduates are conscious of the fact that there cannot be any corrupted and dishonest law and that the field of law would enhance in favor of individuals with the rise of the interaction of ethics and the law.

Key Competencies-
Further Info

Profile of the Programme:

The syllabus aims to provide our students the skills that they are going to need in a judicial organization (ten-finger keyboard typing, ÜYAP (National Judiciary Informatics System) Program Information, judicial correspondence, etc.) as well as law formation. Our graduates will gain right to have a Vocational School of Justice associate diploma. Besides, our graduates will have the right to take the External Transfer Exam and in the case that they are successful, they will be able to transfer to the faculty of law.

Assessment and Grading:

Exams, evaluation and scoring are conducted according to Çankaya University's Undergraduate and Associate Degree Program's Education Regulations.

Mode of Study:

The education and training activities in this program are conducted face to face.

Recognition of Prior Learning:

Students may apply for an undergraduate transfer according to the “regulations related to Associate Degrees and the Transition between Undergraduate Level Programs, Double Major, Minor and Inter-enterprise Credit Transfers in a Higher Education Institution” and “Cankaya University Associate Degree and Undergraduate Programs Undergraduate Transfer Directive”. Undergraduate transfers are made according to “grade point average” and the “central placement point”. For the student to apply, the student has to fit the conditions stated in the directive and regulations. Undergraduate transfers will be limited according to the quotas designated by the faculty or AMYO board of directors. The orientation process will also be carried out by these boards. In undergraduate transfers, the scholarship and deduction options are designated in the 10th article of Cankaya University's Associate Degree and Undergraduate Programs Undergraduate Transfer Directive. According to the inter-enterprise central placement point, if the student has a 50% scholarship base point and over for the university program in the undergraduate transfer, for the charges, the student will pay 50 % during the period of study for the fall and spring terms and it will be valid for these terms (except summer education). The student who has a 25 % scholarship base point will get a 25 % deduction which will only be valid for the fall and spring terms in our university.

Access to Further Studies:

The graduates and prospective graduates of the two-year Vocational School of Justice can apply for the External Transfer Exam in order to complete the four-year undergraduate program.


Quality Assurance-
Access Requirements

The applicants are placed in our program according to Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). Registrations are done every year in the Students Affairs Department between the dates which are designated by ÖSYM.

Conditions for SuccessThe students have to complete all the courses in the curriculum successfully (at least DD) and complete at least 120 ECTS, and their grade point average has to be at least 2,00 out of 4,00.
Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Our graduates are able to work as a civil servant in the chief clerk's office, debt collection's office, records and penal institutions and as an administrator in court houses. Besides, the need for personnel having the knowledge of law and official correspondence for law and notary's offices and banking and insurance institutions provide our graduates a fundamental employment area. They can also transfer to the Faculty of Law by utilizing the opportunity of the External Transfer Exam.

Legal Basis-
Validity Period (If Any)-
Url Open Address
Qualification Code


Qualification Title

Awarding Body
Çankaya University

Awarding Body Contact
Yukarıyurtçu Mahallesi Eskişehir Yolu 29. Km, Mimar Sinan Caddesi No:4, 06790 Etimesgut/Ankara


National Occupation Classification


EQF Level

TQF Level
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.

National Occupation Classification



Credit Value

Program Duration

Program Profile

Learning Environments



Program Qualifications

Graduates are in command of basic concepts of the law and basic legal principles.

Graduates have the command of basic principles and the knowledge related to the primary features and principles of private and public law.

Graduates have the basic knowledge related to the methodology of law.

Graduates have the skills for problem solving and the implementation and interpretation of law.

Graduates have the knowledge of the primary concerns in the implementation of the law.

Graduates are able to pick up the legal reasons and results of the legal disputes in the course of implementation.

Judgement examines, interprets and evaluates the Basic Law texts at a minimum level.

Graduates are able to reach and examine the judicial decisions and evaluate them by interpretation using the knowledge of legal concepts.

Graduates are able to solve simple legal issues with the help of basic knowledge related to the basic concepts of law and law methodology.

Graduates have the ability to solve the primary issues of law with the help of the courses that were oriented for the solutions of hypothetical situations in addition to theoretical courses.

Graduates use the knowledge that is acquired related to the basic concepts of law, law methodology and primary law issues in law and other related social sciences.

Graduates are able to recognize the conflux of law and other social sciences, and use his/her knowledge in these fields.

Graduates have the skills that enable them to use the core knowledge that is required for meeting the needs in the field of judicial services.

Graduates have the knowledge and skills that are expected in the fields of judicial services.

Graduates are able to conduct basic works related to the field of law on independently.

Graduates know the access points and sources that are required to conduct a work in the field of law and are able to conduct work independently.

Graduates are able to conduct the activities aimed at the employees' development within the framework of a project.

Graduates have the equipment required to work in cooperation in the field of law.

Graduates are able to evaluate information and issues related to the basic concepts and issues of law critically.

Graduates are able to criticize the information they have had and generate ideas related to “de lege frenda” as well as positive law.

Graduates are able to orient their education to law undergraduate level of judicial services.

Graduates have the education that enable them to participate in judicial services directly and have the motivation to transfer to the undergraduate level.

They acquire the consciousness for life-long learning.

While they are aware of the fact that the law takes and will always take form in parallel with society's needs, graduates know that a legal education is a life-long process.


Graduates are able to express their opinions related to the basic concepts and issues both in written form and orally.

Graduates use the law's concepts both in written form and orally.

Graduates share their opinions in primary subjects related to the field of law both with the specialists and non-specialists.

Graduates are able to guide both the specialists and non-specialists in primary law issues and discuss and express their opinions decently.

Graduates are able to follow the basic information in the field of law and communicate with their colleagues by using a foreign language while using an A2 level of the European Language Portfolio.

Graduates are able to communicate in foreign language both in written form and orally at international standards.

Graduates use the informatics and communication technologies as well as computer software in a baseline level that the field of law requires.

Graduates have the knowledge and skills that the field of law requires in informatics and computer use.

Graduates adopt the principles with the consciousness of the importance and irreplaceability of primary principles in constitutional values, like democracy, secularism, the social state and the supremacy of law.

Graduates are aware of the fact that they have to act in the light of constitutional basic principles with their education in democratic law.

Graduates have the consciousness of honest, justice and an ethical approach that the bar requires.

Graduates are conscious of the fact that there cannot be any corrupted and dishonest law and that the field of law would enhance in favor of individuals with the rise of the interaction of ethics and the law.

Key Competencies

Further Info

Profile of the Programme:

The syllabus aims to provide our students the skills that they are going to need in a judicial organization (ten-finger keyboard typing, ÜYAP (National Judiciary Informatics System) Program Information, judicial correspondence, etc.) as well as law formation. Our graduates will gain right to have a Vocational School of Justice associate diploma. Besides, our graduates will have the right to take the External Transfer Exam and in the case that they are successful, they will be able to transfer to the faculty of law.

Assessment and Grading:

Exams, evaluation and scoring are conducted according to Çankaya University's Undergraduate and Associate Degree Program's Education Regulations.

Mode of Study:

The education and training activities in this program are conducted face to face.

Recognition of Prior Learning:

Students may apply for an undergraduate transfer according to the “regulations related to Associate Degrees and the Transition between Undergraduate Level Programs, Double Major, Minor and Inter-enterprise Credit Transfers in a Higher Education Institution” and “Cankaya University Associate Degree and Undergraduate Programs Undergraduate Transfer Directive”. Undergraduate transfers are made according to “grade point average” and the “central placement point”. For the student to apply, the student has to fit the conditions stated in the directive and regulations. Undergraduate transfers will be limited according to the quotas designated by the faculty or AMYO board of directors. The orientation process will also be carried out by these boards. In undergraduate transfers, the scholarship and deduction options are designated in the 10th article of Cankaya University's Associate Degree and Undergraduate Programs Undergraduate Transfer Directive. According to the inter-enterprise central placement point, if the student has a 50% scholarship base point and over for the university program in the undergraduate transfer, for the charges, the student will pay 50 % during the period of study for the fall and spring terms and it will be valid for these terms (except summer education). The student who has a 25 % scholarship base point will get a 25 % deduction which will only be valid for the fall and spring terms in our university.

Access to Further Studies:

The graduates and prospective graduates of the two-year Vocational School of Justice can apply for the External Transfer Exam in order to complete the four-year undergraduate program.


Quality Assurance

Access Requirements

The applicants are placed in our program according to Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). Registrations are done every year in the Students Affairs Department between the dates which are designated by ÖSYM.

Conditions for Success
The students have to complete all the courses in the curriculum successfully (at least DD) and complete at least 120 ECTS, and their grade point average has to be at least 2,00 out of 4,00.

Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Our graduates are able to work as a civil servant in the chief clerk's office, debt collection's office, records and penal institutions and as an administrator in court houses. Besides, the need for personnel having the knowledge of law and official correspondence for law and notary's offices and banking and insurance institutions provide our graduates a fundamental employment area. They can also transfer to the Faculty of Law by utilizing the opportunity of the External Transfer Exam.

Legal Basis

Validity Period (If Any)

Open Address