Yeterlilik Kodu | TR0030019760 | |
Yeterlilik Adı | Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri Doktora Diploması | |
Sorumlu Kurum | Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi | |
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi | Yücetepe Mahallesi 85.Cadde No:8 06570 Çankaya/ANKARA | |
Sorumlu Kurum URL | | |
Yönelim | Akademik | |
AYÇ Seviyesi | 8 | Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir. |
TYÇ Seviyesi | 8 | |
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan) | Yönetim ve idare | |
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) | - | |
Kategori | Ana | |
Kredi Değeri | 240 | |
Programın Normal Süresi | 4 | |
Program Profili (Amaç) | - | |
Öğrenme Ortamları | - | |
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım) |
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Anahtar Yetkinlikler | - | |
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri | Notlar ve katsayılar aşağıda belirtildiği şekilde değerlendirilir: Notlar Katsayılar AA 4.00 BA 3.50 BB 3.00 CB 2.50 CC 2.00 DC 1.50 DD 1.00 FD 0.50 FF 0.00 B: Kredisiz dersler için başarılı, K: Kredisiz dersler için kalır, D: Devamsız, G: Girmedi, M: Muaf , S: Süren çalışma, E: Eksik (takip eden dönemin ders kayıt tarihine kadar düzeltilmeyen (E) notu (FF)’ye dönüştürülür). Bir dersten (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB), (CC) notlarından birini alan öğrenci o dersi başarmış sayılır. Ayrıca, bir yarıyıla/yıla ait not ortalaması en az 2.00 olan öğrenciler o yarıyıl/yıl (DC) notu aldıkları derslerden de başarılı sayılırlar. Bu sonuç, (DC+) olarak ifade edilir. | |
Kalite Güvencesi | - | |
Giriş Şartı | Türk ve yabancı öğrenciler için genel kabul şartları programa başlamak için geçerlidir. | |
Başarma Şartları | Mezuniyet için genel not ortalamasının; tezsiz/tezli yüksek lisansta en az 2,50/4,00; doktora ve sanatta yeterlikte ise en az 3,00/4,00 olması gerekir. | |
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü) | Bölüm mezunları, bankacılık ve finans sektörü de dahil olmak üzere özel sektördeki bütün iş kollarında, sendikalarda uzman, denetçi ve üst düzey yönetici olarak iş bulma imkanına sahiptir. Ayrıca başta Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı olmak üzere tüm resmi kuruluşlarda müfettiş ya da uzman personel olarak istihdam edilebilecekleri gibi, idari hakimlik, kaymakamlık, denetçilik gibi geniş bir alana yayılmış mesleklerde görev alma imkanları bulunmaktadır. Öte yandan, kamu ve özel kuruluşların personel yönetimi bölümlerinde bu program mezunları tercih edilmektedir. | |
Yasal Dayanağı | - | |
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa) | Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir | |
Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi | Adresi Aç |
- Bilimsel araştırma tekniklerini üst düzeyde kullanabilme ve elde edilen sonuçları evrensel boyutta tartışabilmek.
- Alana ilişkin farklı disiplinlerden elde edilen bilgileri etkin bir biçimde güncel olaylara uyarlayabilmek.
- Sosyal bilimlerin metodolojik gerekliliklerine hakim olma ve bunlara ilişkin güncel gelişme ve eleştirileri takip edebilmek.
- Siyasal ve iktisadi güncel gelişmeleri, kavramsal düzeyde ve derinlemesine analiz edebilmek.
- Endüstri ilişkileri alanında kuramsal bilgi ve uygulamaları uzmanlık düzeyinde değerlendirebilme ve kullanabilmek.
- Sosyal politika ve çalışma yaşamına ilişkin yasal düzenlemeleri değerlendirmek.
- Bilimsel standartlara uygun bir biçimde, toplumsal sorunlara somut çözümler getirebilmek.
- Toplumsal sorunlara ilişkin önerilen çözümlerde, sosyal adalet ilkesini gözetmek.
- Çalışma ekonomisi alanında yeterlik kazanmak.
- Türkçe’nin yazılı ve sözlü kurallarına hakim olma ve yabancı dilbilgisini üst düzeyde kullanabilmek.
Notlar ve katsayılar aşağıda belirtildiği şekilde değerlendirilir: Notlar Katsayılar AA 4.00 BA 3.50 BB 3.00 CB 2.50 CC 2.00 DC 1.50 DD 1.00 FD 0.50 FF 0.00 B: Kredisiz dersler için başarılı, K: Kredisiz dersler için kalır, D: Devamsız, G: Girmedi, M: Muaf , S: Süren çalışma, E: Eksik (takip eden dönemin ders kayıt tarihine kadar düzeltilmeyen (E) notu (FF)’ye dönüştürülür). Bir dersten (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB), (CC) notlarından birini alan öğrenci o dersi başarmış sayılır. Ayrıca, bir yarıyıla/yıla ait not ortalaması en az 2.00 olan öğrenciler o yarıyıl/yıl (DC) notu aldıkları derslerden de başarılı sayılırlar. Bu sonuç, (DC+) olarak ifade edilir.
Türk ve yabancı öğrenciler için genel kabul şartları programa başlamak için geçerlidir.
Bölüm mezunları, bankacılık ve finans sektörü de dahil olmak üzere özel sektördeki bütün iş kollarında, sendikalarda uzman, denetçi ve üst düzey yönetici olarak iş bulma imkanına sahiptir. Ayrıca başta Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı olmak üzere tüm resmi kuruluşlarda müfettiş ya da uzman personel olarak istihdam edilebilecekleri gibi, idari hakimlik, kaymakamlık, denetçilik gibi geniş bir alana yayılmış mesleklerde görev alma imkanları bulunmaktadır. Öte yandan, kamu ve özel kuruluşların personel yönetimi bölümlerinde bu program mezunları tercih edilmektedir.
Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir
Qualification Code | TR0030019760 | |
Qualification Title | Labour Economics and Industrial Relations Doctorate Diploma | |
Awarding Body | Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University | |
Awarding Body Contact | ||
Awarding Body Url | | |
Orientation | Academic | |
EQF Level | 8 | The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF. |
TQF Level | 8 | |
Thematic Areas | Management and administration | |
National Occupation Classification | - | |
Category | Main | |
Credit Value | - | |
Program Duration | - | |
Program Profile | - | |
Learning Environments | - | |
Description |
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Key Competencies | - | |
Further Info | (1)The success of the students is evaluated by midterm or mid-term studies and final exam or final project work. Examinations are conducted by the responsible faculty member in accordance with the University academic calendar. Exam documents are delivered to the institute at the end of each semester by the instructor of the course. (2) The student may repeat an elective course that s / he has failed or may choose another course instead. Students who fail the compulsory course take the same course again. The student can repeat the courses that he / she succeeds in order to increase the weighted grade point average provided that the registration is renewed. In this case, the students final grade is valid. (3) Mid-term exams or mid-term studies and final exam or final project studies are evaluated over 100 points. In the calculation of the success grade of a course, the weight of the midterm and final exams is 50% for midterm and 50% for final exam. A student who does not participate in midterm exams or in-term studies cannot take the final exam. In order for the student to be considered successful in the related course, the minimum letter of success in the masters degree is CC; Ph.D., Integrated Ph.D. and Proficiency in Art letter grade must be minimum CB. In distance education, the effect of unattended measurement and evaluation activities on the overall success can not be more than 20%. (4) The success letter grade of a credit course is appreciated by the instructor. The coefficients corresponding to the success letter grade are as follows: SUCCESS GRADE COEFFICIENT SCORE AA 4,00 90-100 BA 3,50 85-89 BB 3,00 80-84 CB 2,50 75-79 CC 2,00 70-74 DC 1,50 65-69 DD 1,00 60-64 FD 0,50 50-59 FF 0,00 0-4 (5) In addition, the following letters are used for assessments other than letter grades in the table: a) BL: Successful. b) BZ: Unseccessful. c) DZ: Discontinuous. ç) GR: Not entered. (6) The weighted grade point average is the sum of the weighted scores obtained for each course. The weighting point of a course is obtained by multiplying the grade obtained from the course by the ECTS credits of the course and dividing the result by the total ECTS credits of the courses passed. The average is rounded by executing two digits after the comma. (7) The student who does not take the exams is given the grade Not Entered (GR) and the grade is graded as FF. All grades are transferred to the student status certificate. Courses such as specialization course, seminar course, graduation project and thesis study are evaluated as Successful (BL) or Unsuccessful (BZ). Grades (BL) and (BZ) are not included in the grade point average. | |
Quality Assurance | - | |
Access Requirements | General admission requirements stated under Info on the Institution on this website are being applied to start this programme. | |
Conditions for Success | 1 - To use the highest level of scientific research techniques and discuss the results obtained universally. 2 - To adapt effectively for the field data obtained from different disciplines to the current events. 3 - To be dominated by the requirements of the social sciences and the related methodological criticisms to follow the latest developments on the field. 4 - Analyze the current political and economic developments on the conceptual level and profoundly. 5 - Expertise in the field of industrial relations at the level of theoretical knowledge and use these knowledge profoundly. 6 - Evaluate the legislation of social policy and working life issues. 7 - In accordance with scientific standards, to bring the concrete solutions to social problems. 8 - During proposing solutions to social problems, to observe the principle of social justice. 9 - Qualify in the field of labour economics. 10 - Use the highest level of the rules of grammar in written and spoken Turkish and foreign language. Averagegrade point average for graduation; non-thesis / graduate higher education minimum 2.50 / 4.00; and at least 3,00 / 4,00 for proficiency in doctorate andart. Students who have not completed the graduation requirement when they have completed their total credit receive this condition by taking new courses /courses. Students who do not have the right to take the final exam because they do not fulfill the attendance obligations or the conditions for the course applications aredeemed as absent (D) and the student is treated as a success letter grade (FF).Courses such as thesis work, seminar and term project are evaluated as successful(B) or unsuccessful (K). (B) and (K) grades do not participate in the overallgrade average. Students who do not participate in the exams are given a grade(G) not entered and the result is treated as a letter grade (FF). No objections can be made to the student acceptance, visa, final, completeness andother exam results other than material faults in order to open the judicialway. Material objections shall be made in writing to the concerned institutedirectorates within the latest five business days following the announcement ofthe exam results in the student information system. Any objections not made within the time limit are not considered. If necessary, the opinion of the faculty members responsible of the course is taken into consideration and corrected if the material error is determined on the examination papers and examination grades. The material error will be announced within fifteen days at the latest by showing the relevant student. | |
Progression Paths (Relationship Type) | Section graduates in the private sector, including banking and finance sector all lines of business, trade unions, experts, auditors and has the possibility of finding a job as a senior manager. Also, particularly the Ministry of Labour and Social Security specialist staff to be employed in all the official edilebilecekleri organizations such as the inspector or the administrative judge, district, spread over a large area, such as auditing professions include task-making opportunities. On the other hand, personnel management departments of public and private institutions, graduates of this program is preferred. | |
Legal Basis | - | |
Validity Period (If Any) | Qualification is continuous | |
Url | Open Address |
- To be able to use scientific research techniques at a high level and to discuss the results in a universal way.
- To be able to effectively adapt the information obtained from different disciplines related to the field to current events.
- To be able to follow the methodological requirements of social sciences and to follow current developments and critiques about them.
- To be able to analyze political and economic current developments at conceptual level and in depth.
- To be able to evaluate and use theoretical knowledge and applications in industrial relations.
- To evaluate the legal regulations related to social policy and working life.
- To provide concrete solutions to social problems in accordance with scientific standards.
- To consider the principle of social justice in the proposed solutions to social problems.
- Competence in the field of labor economics.
- To be able to use written and oral rules of Turkish and to be able to use foreign grammar at a high level.
(1)The success of the students is evaluated by midterm or mid-term studies and final exam or final project work. Examinations are conducted by the responsible faculty member in accordance with the University academic calendar. Exam documents are delivered to the institute at the end of each semester by the instructor of the course.
(2) The student may repeat an elective course that s / he has failed or may choose another course instead. Students who fail the compulsory course take the same course again. The student can repeat the courses that he / she succeeds in order to increase the weighted grade point average provided that the registration is renewed. In this case, the students final grade is valid.
(3) Mid-term exams or mid-term studies and final exam or final project studies are evaluated over 100 points. In the calculation of the success grade of a course, the weight of the midterm and final exams is 50% for midterm and 50% for final exam. A student who does not participate in midterm exams or in-term studies cannot take the final exam. In order for the student to be considered successful in the related course, the minimum letter of success in the masters degree is CC; Ph.D., Integrated Ph.D. and Proficiency in Art letter grade must be minimum CB. In distance education, the effect of unattended measurement and evaluation activities on the overall success can not be more than 20%.
(4) The success letter grade of a credit course is appreciated by the instructor. The coefficients corresponding to the success letter grade are as follows: SUCCESS GRADE COEFFICIENT SCORE AA 4,00 90-100 BA 3,50 85-89 BB 3,00 80-84 CB 2,50 75-79 CC 2,00 70-74 DC 1,50 65-69 DD 1,00 60-64 FD 0,50 50-59 FF 0,00 0-4
(5) In addition, the following letters are used for assessments other than letter grades in the table: a) BL: Successful. b) BZ: Unseccessful. c) DZ: Discontinuous. ç) GR: Not entered.
(6) The weighted grade point average is the sum of the weighted scores obtained for each course. The weighting point of a course is obtained by multiplying the grade obtained from the course by the ECTS credits of the course and dividing the result by the total ECTS credits of the courses passed. The average is rounded by executing two digits after the comma.
(7) The student who does not take the exams is given the grade Not Entered (GR) and the grade is graded as FF. All grades are transferred to the student status certificate. Courses such as specialization course, seminar course, graduation project and thesis study are evaluated as Successful (BL) or Unsuccessful (BZ). Grades (BL) and (BZ) are not included in the grade point average.
General admission requirements stated under Info on the Institution on this website are being applied to start this programme.
Section graduates in the private sector, including banking and finance sector all lines of business, trade unions, experts, auditors and has the possibility of finding a job as a senior manager. Also, particularly the Ministry of Labour and Social Security specialist staff to be employed in all the official edilebilecekleri organizations such as the inspector or the administrative judge, district, spread over a large area, such as auditing professions include task-making opportunities. On the other hand, personnel management departments of public and private institutions, graduates of this program is preferred.
Qualification is continuous