Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Dil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları Terapisi Doktora Diploması
Sorumlu KurumÜsküdar Üniversitesi
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim BilgisiAltunizade, Üniversite Sok. No:14, 34662 Üsküdar/İstanbul
Sorumlu Kurum URL
AYÇ Seviyesi8
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.
TYÇ Seviyesi 8
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan)Terapi ve rehabilitasyon
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) -
Kredi Değeri240
Programın Normal Süresi 4
Program Profili (Amaç)

Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi Doktora Programı, sekiz yarıyıl süreli olup, eğitim dili Türkçe'dir. Program, kuramsal boyutun yanı sıra, klinik beceriler, eğitim-öğretim becerileri, araştırma-geliştirme-uygulama faaliyetleri ile bütünleşik olarak sürdürülmektedir.

Öğrenme Ortamları-
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Dil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları hakkında lisans düzeyinde eğitim ve öğretim faaliyetlerini gerçekleştirebilir.
  • Dil ve konuşma bozuklukları ve terapisi alanında lisans öğrencilerine mentörlük yapabilir.
  • Lisans düzeyinde gerçekleştirilecek araştırma projelerini yönetebilir.
  • Dil ve konuşma bozuklukları ve terapisi alanında araştırma projeleri geliştirebilir ve gerçekleştirebilir.
  • Dil ve konuşma terapisi alanında klinik çalışmalar yürütebilir ve lisans öğrencilerinin klinik çalışmalarını yönlendirebilir.
  • İlgili disiplinlerle işbirliği gerçekleştirebilir.
Anahtar Yetkinlikler -
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri -
Kalite Güvencesi-
Giriş Şartı

Doktora Programına, sadece lisans ve yüksek lisans mezuniyeti Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi olan adaylar başvurabilir.

Başarma ŞartlarıDil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları Temel Bilimler Doktora Programı, tez yazma süresi dahil, en az 8 yarıyıl sürelidir (240 AKTS). Programa kayıt yaptıran öğrencilerin, ilk dört yarıyılda 7 Zorunlu Ders (56 AKTS), 4 seçmeli ders (24 AKTS), 2 seminer dersi (16 AKTS), 2 dönem projesi dersi (16 AKTS), 1 Yeterlik Sınavına Hazırlık ve Tez Önerisi dersi (8 AKTS) olmak üzere toplam 120 AKTS değerinde ders almaları gerekmektedir. 120 AKTS’lik ders yükümlülüklerini başarıyla yerine getiren öğrenciler, IV. Yarıyılın sonunda yeterlik sınavına girecekler, başarmaları halinde, VI. Dönemden itibaren tez yazma aşamasına geçeceklerdir. Tez yazma süresi en az 4 yarıyıl olup, 120 AKTS değerindedir.
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Mezunlar, doktora unvanına sahip dil ve konuşma terapisti olarak çalışabilecekleri gibi, üniversitelerin ilgili bölümlerinde akademisyen ve araştırmacı olarak da istihdam edilebilirler.

Yasal Dayanağı-
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi Adresi Aç
Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Dil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları Terapisi Doktora Diploması

Sorumlu Kurum
Üsküdar Üniversitesi

Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi
Altunizade, Üniversite Sok. No:14, 34662 Üsküdar/İstanbul

Sorumlu Kurum URL


Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)

AYÇ Seviyesi

TYÇ Seviyesi
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.

Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)


Kredi Değeri

Programın Normal Süresi

Program Profili (Amaç)

Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi Doktora Programı, sekiz yarıyıl süreli olup, eğitim dili Türkçe'dir. Program, kuramsal boyutun yanı sıra, klinik beceriler, eğitim-öğretim becerileri, araştırma-geliştirme-uygulama faaliyetleri ile bütünleşik olarak sürdürülmektedir.

Öğrenme Ortamları

Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Dil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları hakkında lisans düzeyinde eğitim ve öğretim faaliyetlerini gerçekleştirebilir.
  • Dil ve konuşma bozuklukları ve terapisi alanında lisans öğrencilerine mentörlük yapabilir.
  • Lisans düzeyinde gerçekleştirilecek araştırma projelerini yönetebilir.
  • Dil ve konuşma bozuklukları ve terapisi alanında araştırma projeleri geliştirebilir ve gerçekleştirebilir.
  • Dil ve konuşma terapisi alanında klinik çalışmalar yürütebilir ve lisans öğrencilerinin klinik çalışmalarını yönlendirebilir.
  • İlgili disiplinlerle işbirliği gerçekleştirebilir.

Anahtar Yetkinlikler

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri

Kalite Güvencesi

Giriş Şartı

Doktora Programına, sadece lisans ve yüksek lisans mezuniyeti Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi olan adaylar başvurabilir.

Başarma Şartları
Dil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları Temel Bilimler Doktora Programı, tez yazma süresi dahil, en az 8 yarıyıl sürelidir (240 AKTS). Programa kayıt yaptıran öğrencilerin, ilk dört yarıyılda 7 Zorunlu Ders (56 AKTS), 4 seçmeli ders (24 AKTS), 2 seminer dersi (16 AKTS), 2 dönem projesi dersi (16 AKTS), 1 Yeterlik Sınavına Hazırlık ve Tez Önerisi dersi (8 AKTS) olmak üzere toplam 120 AKTS değerinde ders almaları gerekmektedir. 120 AKTS’lik ders yükümlülüklerini başarıyla yerine getiren öğrenciler, IV. Yarıyılın sonunda yeterlik sınavına girecekler, başarmaları halinde, VI. Dönemden itibaren tez yazma aşamasına geçeceklerdir. Tez yazma süresi en az 4 yarıyıl olup, 120 AKTS değerindedir.

İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Mezunlar, doktora unvanına sahip dil ve konuşma terapisti olarak çalışabilecekleri gibi, üniversitelerin ilgili bölümlerinde akademisyen ve araştırmacı olarak da istihdam edilebilirler.

Yasal Dayanağı

Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi
Adresi Aç

Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Dil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları Terapisi (Doktora) Doctorate
Awarding BodyUskudar University
Awarding Body Contact
Awarding Body Url
EQF Level8
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.
TQF Level 8
Thematic AreasTherapy and rehabilitation
National Occupation Classification -
Credit Value240
Program Duration4
Program Profile-
Learning Environments-

Can lecture on speech and language disorders at undergraduate level.Can mentor undergraduate students about speech and language disorders and therapyCan advise undergradute students about their research projects.Can organize and run research projects on speech and language disorders and therapy.Can run speech and language therapy clinical services and supervise undergraduate students.Can establish team work with related disciplines.

Key Competencies-
Further Info

The development of Ph.D. students is assessed in such areas as examinations during their education, written and oral presentations, clinical studies, mentoring of undergraduate students in language and speech therapy, and managing their graduate theses.It is necessary for Ph.D. students to produce two scientific publications on a national or international platform within the framework of Term Project I (Term II) and Term Project II (Term III) before they reach the proficiency level. It is imperative that the students progeny is ready for publication at the end of the semester. The second scientific publication prepared for the Term Project II should be a research article and at least it should be submitted for publication in a scientific journal by the end of the semester. In the event that the articles or notifications sent to the alleged journals / congresses can not be published / presented within this period, the document showing that the article is accepted for publication will be sufficient for the course success.Those who have completed the Doctoral Program in Language and Speech Disorders Therapy at Üsküdar University are expected to have gained the following qualifications:Learning theories and techniques of language-speech disorders and therapy;To gain the ability to use and publish scientific data in the field of clinical sciences;Learning and applying the principles of language and speech therapy;Make detailed evaluation and therapy plan;Handling individual problems with a holistic understanding, analyzing them in terms of language and speech therapy, promoting subjective and behavioral well-being and personal development that address existing problems;Understanding human development in detail and making predictions about the positive and negative future of development;Be able to be in professional practice for preventive (protective) communication in the family, school and other institutions;Ethical principles;Learning associations with colleagues;Team work and collecting based services

Quality Assurance-
Access Requirements

Candidates who have only a bachelors degree and graduate degree in Language and Speech Therapy may apply to the PhD program.

Conditions for SuccessThose who have completed the Doctoral Program in Language and Speech Disorders Therapy at Üsküdar University are expected to have gained the following qualifications:Learning theories and techniques of language-speech disorders and therapy;To gain the ability to use and publish scientific data in the field of clinical sciences;Learning and applying the principles of language and speech therapy;Make detailed evaluation and therapy plan;Handling individual problems with a holistic understanding, analyzing them in terms of language and speech therapy, promoting subjective and behavioral well-being and personal development that address existing problems;Understanding human development in detail and making predictions about the positive and negative future of development;Be able to be in professional practice for preventive (protective) communication in the family, school and other institutions;Ethical principles;Learning associations with colleagues;Team work and collecting based servicesLanguage and Speech Disorders Basic Sciences Doctoral Program lasts at least 8 semesters (240 ECTS) including the duration of thesis writing.Students enrolled in the program must take 7 Core Courses (56 ECTS), 4 Elective Courses (24 ECTS), 2 Seminar Courses (16 ECTS), 2 Semester Project Courses (16 ECTS), 1 Proficiency Exam Preparation and Thesis 8 ECTS) for a total of 120 ECTS credits. Students who successfully fulfill the course obligations of 120 ECTS, At the end of the 4th semester, they will take the proficiency exam and, if they succeed, they will pass to the thesis writing phase. Thesis writing period is at least 4 semesters and it is 120 ECTS.
Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Graduates can work as language and speech therapists with a doctoral title, as well as academics and researchers in related departments of universities.

Legal Basis-
Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Url Open Address
Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Dil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları Terapisi (Doktora) Doctorate

Awarding Body
Uskudar University

Awarding Body Contact

Awarding Body Url


National Occupation Classification

EQF Level

TQF Level
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.

National Occupation Classification


Credit Value

Program Duration

Program Profile

Learning Environments


Can lecture on speech and language disorders at undergraduate level.Can mentor undergraduate students about speech and language disorders and therapyCan advise undergradute students about their research projects.Can organize and run research projects on speech and language disorders and therapy.Can run speech and language therapy clinical services and supervise undergraduate students.Can establish team work with related disciplines.

Key Competencies

Further Info

The development of Ph.D. students is assessed in such areas as examinations during their education, written and oral presentations, clinical studies, mentoring of undergraduate students in language and speech therapy, and managing their graduate theses.It is necessary for Ph.D. students to produce two scientific publications on a national or international platform within the framework of Term Project I (Term II) and Term Project II (Term III) before they reach the proficiency level. It is imperative that the students progeny is ready for publication at the end of the semester. The second scientific publication prepared for the Term Project II should be a research article and at least it should be submitted for publication in a scientific journal by the end of the semester. In the event that the articles or notifications sent to the alleged journals / congresses can not be published / presented within this period, the document showing that the article is accepted for publication will be sufficient for the course success.Those who have completed the Doctoral Program in Language and Speech Disorders Therapy at Üsküdar University are expected to have gained the following qualifications:Learning theories and techniques of language-speech disorders and therapy;To gain the ability to use and publish scientific data in the field of clinical sciences;Learning and applying the principles of language and speech therapy;Make detailed evaluation and therapy plan;Handling individual problems with a holistic understanding, analyzing them in terms of language and speech therapy, promoting subjective and behavioral well-being and personal development that address existing problems;Understanding human development in detail and making predictions about the positive and negative future of development;Be able to be in professional practice for preventive (protective) communication in the family, school and other institutions;Ethical principles;Learning associations with colleagues;Team work and collecting based services

Quality Assurance

Access Requirements

Candidates who have only a bachelors degree and graduate degree in Language and Speech Therapy may apply to the PhD program.

Conditions for Success
Those who have completed the Doctoral Program in Language and Speech Disorders Therapy at Üsküdar University are expected to have gained the following qualifications:Learning theories and techniques of language-speech disorders and therapy;To gain the ability to use and publish scientific data in the field of clinical sciences;Learning and applying the principles of language and speech therapy;Make detailed evaluation and therapy plan;Handling individual problems with a holistic understanding, analyzing them in terms of language and speech therapy, promoting subjective and behavioral well-being and personal development that address existing problems;Understanding human development in detail and making predictions about the positive and negative future of development;Be able to be in professional practice for preventive (protective) communication in the family, school and other institutions;Ethical principles;Learning associations with colleagues;Team work and collecting based servicesLanguage and Speech Disorders Basic Sciences Doctoral Program lasts at least 8 semesters (240 ECTS) including the duration of thesis writing.Students enrolled in the program must take 7 Core Courses (56 ECTS), 4 Elective Courses (24 ECTS), 2 Seminar Courses (16 ECTS), 2 Semester Project Courses (16 ECTS), 1 Proficiency Exam Preparation and Thesis 8 ECTS) for a total of 120 ECTS credits. Students who successfully fulfill the course obligations of 120 ECTS, At the end of the 4th semester, they will take the proficiency exam and, if they succeed, they will pass to the thesis writing phase. Thesis writing period is at least 4 semesters and it is 120 ECTS.

Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Graduates can work as language and speech therapists with a doctoral title, as well as academics and researchers in related departments of universities.

Legal Basis

Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Open Address