Yeterlilik Kodu | TR0030217302 | |
Yeterlilik Adı | Felsefe Grubu Öğretmenliği Lisans Diploması | |
Sorumlu Kurum | Gazi Üniversitesi | |
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi | Emniyet mah, Gazi Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü, Bandırma Cd No:6/1, 06560 Yenimahalle/Ankara | |
Sorumlu Kurum URL | | |
Yönelim | Genel | |
AYÇ Seviyesi | 6 | 6 Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye 06/12/2023 tarihinde yerleştirildi |
TYÇ Seviyesi | 6 | |
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan) | Konu uzmanlığı ile öğretmen eğitimi | |
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) |
ISCO 08 | |
Kategori | Ana | |
Kredi Değeri | 240 | |
Programın Normal Süresi | 4 Yıl | |
Program Profili (Amaç) | Öğretmen Yetiştirme:
Araştırmacı/Akademisyen Yetiştirme:
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Öğrenme Ortamları | Öğrenme örgün, açık veya uzaktan öğretim şeklinde gerçekleşir. Ayrıca; uygulamalı eğitimler yükseköğretim kurumları bünyesindeki laboratuvar ve atölyelerde ya da endüstride, sağlık kurumlarında ve iş yerlerinde staj veya iş yeri eğitimi olarak yapılmaktadır. | |
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım) |
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Anahtar Yetkinlikler | Aşağıda sıralanan anahtar yetkinliklere ileri düzeyde sahiptir.
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Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri |
Katsayılar ve başarı harf notları aşağıda belirtildiği şekilde değerlendirilir:
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Kalite Güvencesi | Yükseköğretim programlarının niteliğinin gözetilmesi için; • YÖK, yükseköğretim kurumlarında eğitim ve öğretim ile diğer faaliyetlerin planlanması, düzenlenmesi, yönetilmesi ve denetlenmesinden sorumludur. • YÖK tarafından belirlenen kriterler çerçevesinde hazırlanan yükseköğretim kurumlarına ait “Üniversite İzleme ve Değerlendirme Raporları” her yıl yayımlanır. Bu raporlara göre hazırlanan, yükseköğretim kurumlarına yönelik nicel ve nitel değerlendirmeleri içeren raporlarda YÖK tarafından kamuoyu ile paylaşılır. • YÖK tarafından vakıf yükseköğretim kurumlarına ait akademik, idari ve mali verileri içeren “Vakıf Yükseköğretim Kurumları Raporu” her yıl yayımlanır. Vakıf yükseköğretim kurumlarına yönelik yapılan nicel ve nitel değerlendirmeleri içeren bu raporlar YÖK tarafından kamuoyu ile paylaşılır. Yükseköğretimde lisans programlarının kalite güvencesi “Yükseköğretim Diploma Programlarının Kalite Güvencesinin Sağlanmasına Yönelik Usul ve Esaslar” a göre sağlanır: 1. Öğretim Programlarının Oluşturulması ve Onaylanması: Yükseköğretim kurumlarında lisans bölüm ve programların açılması için gerekli olan asgari standart ve ölçütleri YÖK belirler. 1.1. Yükseköğretim kurumlarında lisans programlarının müfredatı ve her bir programın öğrenciye kazandıracağı öğrenme kazanımlarının neler olacağı, YÖK’ün bu konularda belirlediği temel ilkelere uygun olarak yükseköğretim kurumlarının senatoları tarafından belirlenir. 1.2. Ulusal Çekirdek Eğitim Programlarının müfredatı ilgili Dekanlar Konseyi tarafından kabul edildikten sonra YÖK’ün onayıyla yükseköğretim kurumları tarafından uygulanır. 2. Ölçme-Değerlendirme: Her bir lisans programının öğrenciye kazandıracağı öğrenme kazanımlarının ölçme ve değerlendirmesinin nasıl yapılacağı, YÖK’ün bu konularda belirlediği temel ilkelere uygun olarak yükseköğretim kurumları tarafından hazırlanan öğretim ve sınav yönetmeliğine göre yürütülür. 3. Belgelendirme: Lisans programlarına kayıtlı öğrenciler, yükseköğretim kurumları tarafından belirlenen ders kredilerini ve diğer yükümlülükleri başarı ile tamamlamaları halinde; lisans diploması alır. 4. Öz Değerlendirme-Dış Değerlendirme: Yükseköğretim kurumları, sürekli izleme bağlamında, her yılın başında bir önceki yıla ait “Kurum İç Değerlendirme Raporlarını” Yükseköğretim Kalite Kurulu (YÖKAK) tarafından hazırlanan Bilgi Sistemine girer. YÖKAK, yükseköğretim kurumlarının dış değerlendirmesine ilişkin hazırladığı “Kurumsal Geri Bildirim Raporu”nu kamuoyuyla paylaşılır. Ayrıca, YÖKAK tarafından yetkilendirilen veya tanınan akreditasyon kuruluşları tarafından verilen akreditasyon kararları da programların yeterliliklerinin kalite güvencesinin sağlandığını gösterir. YÖKAK mevzuatı gereği belirlenen yeterliliklere ilişkin düzenli gözden geçirme faaliyetleri yapar. Öğretmenlik Eğitim Programları Değerlendirme ve Akreditasyon Derneği (EPDAD) Akreditason Başlangıç/Bitiş Tarihi : 1.05.2023 / 01.05.2026 | |
Giriş Şartı | Türk ve yabancı öğrenciler için genel kabul şartları programa başlamak için geçerlidir. | |
Başarma Şartları | Bu programda öğrencinin lisans diplomasını almaya hak kazanması için programın sekiz döneminde yer alan tüm derslerde başarılı olması ve her dönem 30 AKTS olmak üzere en az 240 AKTS kredisini toplaması gerekir. Lisans diploması almaya hak kazanabilmek için genel not ortalamasının 4.00 üzerinden en az 2.00 olması gerekmektedir. | |
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü) | Anabilim Dalımızın üç temel görevi vardır:
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Yasal Dayanağı | 1. 2547 Sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu 1.1. Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Önlisans ve Lisans Düzeyindeki Programlar Arasında Geçiş, Çift Anadal, Yan Dal İle Kurumlar Arası Kredi Transferi Yapılması Esaslarına İlişkin Yönetmelik 1.2. Meslek Yüksekokulları ve Açıköğretim Ön Lisans Programları Mezunlarının Lisans Öğrenimine Devamları Hakkında Yönetmelik 2. 2547 Sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu (Ek Madde-35) 2.1. Yükseköğretim Kalite Güvencesi ve Yükseköğretim Kalite Kurulu Yönetmeliği | |
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa) | Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir | |
Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi | Adresi Aç | |
QrCode |
Öğretmen Yetiştirme:
- Felsefe Grubu Eğitimi Ana Bilim Dalında alan ile ilgili teorik dersler (alan bilgisi), genel kültür dersleri ve öğretmenlik meslek bilgisine yönelik dersler verilerek sosyal bilimlerde ve insan bilimlerinde yeterli donanıma sahip öğretmenlerin yetiştirilmesini sağlamak,
- Türk Milli Eğitim Sistemine bağlı olarak Cumhuriyet?in temel değerlerine bağlı ve onun felsefesini özümseyen, alan ve genel kültür bilgisine sahip, eğitim ve öğretim ile ilgili yöntem ve teknikleri çok iyi bilen, etik ve estetik değerlere sahip, toplumsal değerlere saygılı, sorgulayıcı, araştırmacı, iletişim yeteneği güçlü, Türkçeyi doğru ve yaygın kullanan, yurt içi ve yurt dışı yayınları takip eden ve bu yeteneklerini yetiştireceği öğrencilere de aktarabilecek sorumlu, üretken, etkin ve geleceğin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak öğretmen adaylarını yetiştirmek ve Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi bünyesinde öğretmen yetiştirmenin niteliğinin geliştirilmesini sağlamak.
Araştırmacı/Akademisyen Yetiştirme:
- Yükseköğretimde artan kapasite gereksinimine paralel olarak, üniversitelerin ilgili bölümlerine öğretim elemanı yetiştirmek ve öğretim elemanlarına gerekli desteği sağlamak.
Öğrenme örgün, açık veya uzaktan öğretim şeklinde gerçekleşir. Ayrıca; uygulamalı eğitimler yükseköğretim kurumları bünyesindeki laboratuvar ve atölyelerde ya da endüstride, sağlık kurumlarında ve iş yerlerinde staj veya iş yeri eğitimi olarak yapılmaktadır.
- Felsefe grubu ve eğitim bilimleri dalları ile ilgili yeterli altyapıya sahiptir ve mesleği ile ilgili mevzuatı (yasa, yönetmelik, genelge vb.), temel değer ve ilkeleri izler, bunlara uygun davranır, iş güvenliği ve sosyal güvenlik konularında haklarını bilir.
- Felsefe grubu ve eğitim bilimleri alanlarındaki kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgileri eğitsel sorunlara çözümler üretmek için kullanır.
- Eğitim problemlerini belirler, tanımlar, ilgili çözümleri tasarlarlar, bu amaca uygun analitik yöntemleri ve modelleme tekniklerini seçer ve uygular.
- Felsefe, psikoloji, sosyoloji ve mantık ile ilgili kuram, model, ilke ve genellemeleri açıklar ve bu genellemeler ışığında bu alanların temel prensiplerini, olay, olgu ve süreçlerini açıklar.
- Kişilerarası ilişkileri etkileyen bireysel, çevresel ve toplumsal etkenleri bilir.
- Edindiği bilgileri kullanarak etkin dinleme, yapıcı geri bildirim alma ve verebilme, yaratıcı sorun çözme becerisi kazanır ve bu becerileri mesleki alanda kullanabilir.
- Sorgulama, değerlendirme, karar verme, analiz ve sentez yapma, olaylar arasında bağlantı kurma, karşılaştırma, tahlil yapma, problemlere farklı perspektiflerden bakabilme, alternatifleri görebilme, esnek ve çok yönlü düşünebilme, mantıksal düşünme yeterliliğine sahiptir ve tarihsel, kültürel, sosyal vb. problemlerin felsefe grubu alanındaki etkilerini fark edebilir.
- Alan öğretimine yönelik etkinlikler düzenler ve uygun öğretim materyallerini geliştirir.
- Eğitim-öğretim faaliyetleri için gerekli olan eğitim teknolojilerini seçer ve kullanır.
- Öğretmenlik mesleği ve eğitim teknolojisi ile ilgili kavramları, fikirleri, bilimsel yöntemlerle inceler ve değerlendirir, problem ve konuları tanılar, analiz eder ve tartışır, bilimsel bulgular ve kanıtlara dayalı öneriler geliştirir .
- Gelişimin temel kavramlarını bilir; çocukluk, ergenlik ve yetişkinlik dönemlerinin bedensel, zihinsel ve psiko-sosyal özelliklerini bilir.
- Ayrıca bireyin psikolojik özelliklerinin ölçülmesinde ihtiyaç duyulan unsurları ve özelliklerini bilir.
- Bilgiye erişmek amacıyla kaynak araştırması yapar, veri tabanları ve diğer bilgi kaynaklarını kullanır, farklı kaynaklardan edindiği bilgilerin doğruluğunu ve güncelliğini değerlendirir.
- Arşiv, kütüphane, internet, müze, araştırma merkezleri gibi bilgiye ulaşma yollarını bilir ve bunları etkin bir şekilde kullanır.
- Öğrenmeyi öğrenme, öz-düzenleme, yaşam boyu öğrenme, eleştirel düşünme, yaratıcı düşünme, mantıksal düşünme becerilerine sahiptir.
- Mesleki ve etik kurallara uyar ve işbirliğine dayalı uygulamalarda görev alır.
- Ayrıca demokratik, toplumsal, bilimsel, kültürel ve ahlaki değerlere sahip çıkar ve bu değerlere uygun davranır.
Aşağıda sıralanan anahtar yetkinliklere ileri düzeyde sahiptir.
- Okuma yazma yetkinliği
- Çoklu dil yetkinliği
- Matematiksel yetkinlik ve bilim, teknoloji ve mühendislikte yetkinlik
- Dijital yetkinlik
- Kişisel, sosyal ve öğrenmeyi öğrenme yetkinliği
- Vatandaşlık yetkinliği
- Girişimcilik yetkinliği
- Kültürel farkındalık ve ifade yetkinliği
- Öğrencilere kayıtlı oldukları yarıyıl/yıl sonunda her ders için bir başarı harf notu verilir.
- Bu başarı harf notu, dersi veren öğretim elemanı tarafından takdir olunur.
- Başarı harf notunun takdirinde öğrencinin ara sınav, yarıyıl/yıl sonu sınavı, yarıyıl içi çalışmalarındaki başarısı ile ders ve uygulamalara devamı göz önünde bulundurulur. Bu harf notunun hesaplanması ilgili akademik birim kurulunun önerisi, akademik birimin ilgili kurulunun kararı ve Senatonun onayıyla belirlenir.
- Öğrencinin başarı notu 100 tam puan üzerinden belirlenir. Bu puana, ham başarı puanı denir.
- Ham başarı puanı 25,00`ın altında olan öğrenci, doğrudan (FF) notu alarak o dersten başarısız olur. Ham başarı puanı 25,00 ve üstünde olan öğrencinin başarı notu; sınıfın genel durumu, aritmetik ortalamalar ve istatistiksel dağılım dikkate alınarak Üniversite Eğitim Komisyonunun kararı ve Senato onayı ile hazırlanan yöntemlerden biri kullanılmak suretiyle, aşağıda katsayıları ve açılımı belirtilen harf notlarından biri ile değerlendirilir. Bu değerlendirmeden sonra, 25,00 ve üstünde olan ham başarı puanlarının harf notu karşılıklarının (FF) olması mümkündür.
Katsayılar ve başarı harf notları aşağıda belirtildiği şekilde değerlendirilir:
- Katsayılar Notlar 4.00 AA 3.50 BA 3.00 BB 2.50 CB 2.00 CC 1.50 DC 1.00 DD 0.50 FD 0.00 FF
- D: Devamsız, G: Girmedi, E: Eksik, (Yarıyıl/yıl sonu sınav başarı harf notlarının kesinleşmesini takip eden üç hafta içerisinde düzeltilmeyen (E) notu (FF)`ye dönüştürülür.) VZ: Dersten çekilme.
- Bir dersten (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB), (CC), (DC) ve (DD) notlarından birini alan öğrenci o dersi başarmış kabul edilir. Ancak mezun olabilmek için öğrencinin AGNO`sunun en az 2,00 olması gerekir.
Yükseköğretim programlarının niteliğinin gözetilmesi için;
• YÖK, yükseköğretim kurumlarında eğitim ve öğretim ile diğer faaliyetlerin planlanması, düzenlenmesi, yönetilmesi ve denetlenmesinden sorumludur.
• YÖK tarafından belirlenen kriterler çerçevesinde hazırlanan yükseköğretim kurumlarına ait “Üniversite İzleme ve Değerlendirme Raporları” her yıl yayımlanır. Bu raporlara göre hazırlanan, yükseköğretim kurumlarına yönelik nicel ve nitel değerlendirmeleri içeren raporlarda YÖK tarafından kamuoyu ile paylaşılır.
• YÖK tarafından vakıf yükseköğretim kurumlarına ait akademik, idari ve mali verileri içeren “Vakıf Yükseköğretim Kurumları Raporu” her yıl yayımlanır. Vakıf yükseköğretim kurumlarına yönelik yapılan nicel ve nitel değerlendirmeleri içeren bu raporlar YÖK tarafından kamuoyu ile paylaşılır. Yükseköğretimde lisans programlarının kalite güvencesi “Yükseköğretim Diploma Programlarının Kalite Güvencesinin Sağlanmasına Yönelik Usul ve Esaslar” a göre sağlanır:
1. Öğretim Programlarının Oluşturulması ve Onaylanması: Yükseköğretim kurumlarında lisans bölüm ve programların açılması için gerekli olan asgari standart ve ölçütleri YÖK belirler.
1.1. Yükseköğretim kurumlarında lisans programlarının müfredatı ve her bir programın öğrenciye kazandıracağı öğrenme kazanımlarının neler olacağı, YÖK’ün bu konularda belirlediği temel ilkelere uygun olarak yükseköğretim kurumlarının senatoları tarafından belirlenir.
1.2. Ulusal Çekirdek Eğitim Programlarının müfredatı ilgili Dekanlar Konseyi tarafından kabul edildikten sonra YÖK’ün onayıyla yükseköğretim kurumları tarafından uygulanır.
2. Ölçme-Değerlendirme: Her bir lisans programının öğrenciye kazandıracağı öğrenme kazanımlarının ölçme ve değerlendirmesinin nasıl yapılacağı, YÖK’ün bu konularda belirlediği temel ilkelere uygun olarak yükseköğretim kurumları tarafından hazırlanan öğretim ve sınav yönetmeliğine göre yürütülür.
3. Belgelendirme: Lisans programlarına kayıtlı öğrenciler, yükseköğretim kurumları tarafından belirlenen ders kredilerini ve diğer yükümlülükleri başarı ile tamamlamaları halinde; lisans diploması alır.
4. Öz Değerlendirme-Dış Değerlendirme: Yükseköğretim kurumları, sürekli izleme bağlamında, her yılın başında bir önceki yıla ait “Kurum İç Değerlendirme Raporlarını” Yükseköğretim Kalite Kurulu (YÖKAK) tarafından hazırlanan Bilgi Sistemine girer. YÖKAK, yükseköğretim kurumlarının dış değerlendirmesine ilişkin hazırladığı “Kurumsal Geri Bildirim Raporu”nu kamuoyuyla paylaşılır. Ayrıca, YÖKAK tarafından yetkilendirilen veya tanınan akreditasyon kuruluşları tarafından verilen akreditasyon kararları da programların yeterliliklerinin kalite güvencesinin sağlandığını gösterir. YÖKAK mevzuatı gereği belirlenen yeterliliklere ilişkin düzenli gözden geçirme faaliyetleri yapar.
Öğretmenlik Eğitim Programları Değerlendirme ve Akreditasyon Derneği (EPDAD)
Akreditason Başlangıç/Bitiş Tarihi :
1.05.2023 / 01.05.2026
Türk ve yabancı öğrenciler için genel kabul şartları programa başlamak için geçerlidir.
Anabilim Dalımızın üç temel görevi vardır:
- Ülkemizin ihtiyacı olan Felsefe Grubu Eğitimi öğretmenlerinin yetiştirilmesi
- Üniversitelerimizin ihtiyacını karşılayacak akademisyenlerin yetiştirilmesi
- Bilimsel inceleme, araştırma ve yayım faaliyetlerinin yürütülmesi
- Bu doğrultuda, mezunlarımız 4 yıllık lisans eğitimini tamamladıktan sonra alanında veya ilgili alanlarda yüksek lisans ve doktora eğitimi alarak kariyerlerini yükseltebilir, yükseköğretim kurumlarında öğretim üyesi olabilirler.
- Bu bölümden mezun olanlar Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı lise ve dengi okullarda felsefe grubu öğretmeni olarak çalışabilirler.
- Bunun yanı sıra, rehberlik sertifikası ile özel okul ve dershanelerde rehber öğretmen olarak görev alabilmektedir.
1. 2547 Sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu
1.1. Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Önlisans ve Lisans Düzeyindeki Programlar Arasında Geçiş, Çift Anadal, Yan Dal İle Kurumlar Arası Kredi Transferi Yapılması Esaslarına İlişkin Yönetmelik
1.2. Meslek Yüksekokulları ve Açıköğretim Ön Lisans Programları Mezunlarının Lisans Öğrenimine Devamları Hakkında Yönetmelik
2. 2547 Sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu (Ek Madde-35)
2.1. Yükseköğretim Kalite Güvencesi ve Yükseköğretim Kalite Kurulu Yönetmeliği
Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir
Qualification Code | TR0030217302 | |
Qualification Title | FELSEFE GRUBU ÖĞRETMENLİĞİ (4 YILLIK) Undergraduate | |
Awarding Body | Gazi University | |
Awarding Body Contact | Gazi University | |
Awarding Body Url | | |
Orientation | General | |
EQF Level | 6 | 6 The Qualification has been included in TQF on 06/12/2023 |
TQF Level | 6 | |
Thematic Areas | Teacher training with subject specialization | |
National Occupation Classification | - | |
Category | Main | |
Credit Value | 240 | |
Program Duration | 4 Yıl | |
Program Profile | - | |
Learning Environments | - | |
Description | Students have got the sufficiency about department of philosophy and related fields education and educational science. They know the laws and rules about their profession. Students take the theoritical and practical knowledge which is interested in department of philosophy and related fields education and educational sciences to solve the educational problems. Students determine the educational problems and offer a solution these problems. They chose and practise the methods of analytic about these problems. Students explain the theory, the model, the princible and generalization about philosophy, psychology, sociology and logic. According to this explanation, they declare the basic principles of department of philosophy and related fields teaching. Students know the individual, peripheral and social factors which have an effect on the human relations. By this way, they acquire effective listening, positive feedback and creative problem solving. Students acquire some sufficiencies that inquiry, evaluation, decision making, analyse and syntheses, relating between events, comparison, gain a different viewpoint, life-wide learning, logical thinking etc. Students organize activity and material building about related field teaching. They choose and use the educational technology for quality education activity. Students research and evaluate scientifically the notions and the idea about profession of a teacher and education technology. Students know the basic notion of growing and know the characteristics of adolescence and adult periods. Student research related literatüre and use data bases. They use efectively the library, internet, the museum and the research center. They acquire the skills that learning to learn, self-regulation, life long learning, ciritical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. Students obey the Professional and ethical rules and participate in the collusive practices. They protect the values of democratic, social, scientific, cultural and ethical. | |
Key Competencies | - | |
Further Info | (1) Students are given a success letter grade for each course at the end of the semester / year they are registered. (2) This success letter grade is appreciated by the lecturer who teaches the course. (3) In the assessment of the letter grade of success, the students success in midterm exam, semester / year-end exam, mid-term studies and attendance to classes and practices are taken into consideration. The calculation of this letter grade is determined by the recommendation of the relevant academic unit board, the decision of the relevant board of the academic unit and the approval of the Senate. (4) The students success grade is determined over 100 full points. This score is called the raw success score. (5) A student whose raw success score is below 25.00 fails from that course by getting a direct (FF) grade. The success grade of the student whose raw success score is 25.00 and above; The general condition of the class is evaluated with one of the letter grades whose coefficients and expansions are stated below, using one of the methods prepared by the decision of the University Education Commission and the approval of the Senate, taking into account the arithmetic averages and statistical distribution. After this evaluation, it is possible that the raw achievement scores of 25.00 and above have letter grade equivalents (FF). (6) Coefficients and success letter grades are evaluated as follows:a) coefficients Notes 4:00 AA 3:50 BA 3:00 BB 2:50 CBA 2:00 CCI 1:50 DC 1:00 DDR 0:50 FDA 0:00 FF b) 1) D: Absent, 2) G: Not entered, 3) E: Incomplete, (The (E) grade, which is not corrected within three weeks following the finalization of the semester / year-end exam success letter grades, is converted into (FF).) 4) VZ: Withdrawal. (7) A student who takes one of the grades (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB), (CC), (DC) and (DD) from a course is considered successful. However, in order to graduate, the students AGNO must be at least 2.00. INFORMATION Theoretical, Factual - Has sufficient infrastructure related to philosophy group and branches of Educational Sciences and regulations related to his profession (laws, regulations, circulars, etc.), follows the basic values and principles, acts in accordance with them, knows the rights of job security and social security issues. - Uses theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of philosophy group and Educational Sciences to produce solutions to educational problems. - Identify and define educational problems, design related solutions, select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques suitable for this purpose. - Explains theories, models, principles and generalizations related to philosophy, psychology, sociology and logic and explains the basic principles, events, phenomena and processes of these fields in the light of these generalizations. - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Has the ability to question, evaluate, make decisions, analyze and synthesize, make connections between events, compare, analyze, look at problems from different perspectives, see alternatives, think flexibly and multifaceted, think logically and think historically, culturally, socially, etc. students will be able to recognize the effects of problems in the field of philosophy group. - Organizes activities for field teaching and develops appropriate teaching materials. Selects and uses the educational technologies necessary for educational activities. - Concepts related to educational technology and teaching profession, ideas, scientific methods, examines and evaluates, diagnoses of problems and issues, analyze and discuss scientific findings and evidence-based recommendations. -Knows the basic concepts of development; knows the physical, mental and psycho-social features of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Also knows the elements and characteristics needed to measure the psychological characteristics of the individual. - To access the information makes research sources, uses databases and other sources of information, evaluates the accuracy and timeliness of the information obtained from different sources. Knows the ways to access information such as archives, libraries, internet, museums, research centers and use them effectively. -Has the skills of learning to learn, self-regulation, lifelong learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. - Follows professional and ethical rules and takes part in cooperative practices. Furthermore, it possesses and acts in accordance with Democratic, social, scientific, cultural and moral values. Skills Cognitive, Applied - Has sufficient infrastructure related to philosophy group and branches of Educational Sciences and regulations related to his profession (laws, regulations, circulars, etc.), follows the basic values and principles, acts in accordance with them, knows the rights of job security and social security issues. - Uses theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of philosophy group and Educational Sciences to produce solutions to educational problems. - Identify and define educational problems, design related solutions, select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques suitable for this purpose. - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Has the ability to question, evaluate, make decisions, analyze and synthesize, make connections between events, compare, analyze, look at problems from different perspectives, see alternatives, think flexibly and multifaceted, think logically and think historically, culturally, socially, etc. students will be able to recognize the effects of problems in the field of philosophy group. - Organizes activities for field teaching and develops appropriate teaching materials. Selects and uses the educational technologies necessary for educational activities. - Concepts related to educational technology and teaching profession, ideas, scientific methods, examines and evaluates, diagnoses of problems and issues, analyze and discuss scientific findings and evidence-based recommendations. - To access the information makes research sources, uses databases and other sources of information, evaluates the accuracy and timeliness of the information obtained from different sources. Knows the ways to access information such as archives, libraries, internet, museums, research centers and use them effectively. -Has the skills of learning to learn, self-regulation, lifelong learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. - Follows professional and ethical rules and takes part in cooperative practices. Furthermore, it possesses and acts in accordance with Democratic, social, scientific, cultural and moral values. Competencies Ability to work independently and take responsibility - Has sufficient infrastructure related to philosophy group and branches of Educational Sciences and regulations related to his profession (laws, regulations, circulars, etc.), follows the basic values and principles, acts in accordance with them, knows the rights of job security and social security issues. - Uses theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of philosophy group and Educational Sciences to produce solutions to educational problems. - Identify and define educational problems, design related solutions, select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques suitable for this purpose. - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Has the ability to question, evaluate, make decisions, analyze and synthesize, make connections between events, compare, analyze, look at problems from different perspectives, see alternatives, think flexibly and multifaceted, think logically and think historically, culturally, socially, etc. students will be able to recognize the effects of problems in the field of philosophy group. - Organizes activities for field teaching and develops appropriate teaching materials. Selects and uses the educational technologies necessary for educational activities. - Concepts related to educational technology and teaching profession, ideas, scientific methods, examines and evaluates, diagnoses of problems and issues, analyze and discuss scientific findings and evidence-based recommendations. - To access the information makes research sources, uses databases and other sources of information, evaluates the accuracy and timeliness of the information obtained from different sources. Knows the ways to access information such as archives, libraries, internet, museums, research centers and use them effectively. -Has the skills of learning to learn, self-regulation, lifelong learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. - Follows professional and ethical rules and takes part in cooperative practices. Furthermore, it possesses and acts in accordance with Democratic, social, scientific, cultural and moral values. Learning Competence - Identify and define educational problems, design related solutions, select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques suitable for this purpose. - Explains theories, models, principles and generalizations related to philosophy, psychology, sociology and logic and explains the basic principles, events, phenomena and processes of these fields in the light of these generalizations. - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Has the ability to question, evaluate, make decisions, analyze and synthesize, make connections between events, compare, analyze, look at problems from different perspectives, see alternatives, think flexibly and multifaceted, think logically and think historically, culturally, socially, etc. students will be able to recognize the effects of problems in the field of philosophy group. - Concepts related to educational technology and teaching profession, ideas, scientific methods, examines and evaluates, diagnoses of problems and issues, analyze and discuss scientific findings and evidence-based recommendations. -Knows the basic concepts of development; knows the physical, mental and psycho-social features of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Also knows the elements and characteristics needed to measure the psychological characteristics of the individual. - To access the information makes research sources, uses databases and other sources of information, evaluates the accuracy and timeliness of the information obtained from different sources. Knows the ways to access information such as archives, libraries, internet, museums, research centers and use them effectively. -Has the skills of learning to learn, self-regulation, lifelong learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. - Follows professional and ethical rules and takes part in cooperative practices. Furthermore, it possesses and acts in accordance with Democratic, social, scientific, cultural and moral values. Communication and Social Competence - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Organizes activities for field teaching and develops appropriate teaching materials. Selects and uses the educational technologies necessary for educational activities. | |
Quality Assurance | - | |
Access Requirements | General admission requirements for Turkish and foreign students apply to start the program. | |
Conditions for Success | INFORMATION Theoretical, Factual - Has sufficient infrastructure related to philosophy group and branches of Educational Sciences and regulations related to his profession (laws, regulations, circulars, etc.), follows the basic values and principles, acts in accordance with them, knows the rights of job security and social security issues. - Uses theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of philosophy group and Educational Sciences to produce solutions to educational problems. - Identify and define educational problems, design related solutions, select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques suitable for this purpose. - Explains theories, models, principles and generalizations related to philosophy, psychology, sociology and logic and explains the basic principles, events, phenomena and processes of these fields in the light of these generalizations. - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Has the ability to question, evaluate, make decisions, analyze and synthesize, make connections between events, compare, analyze, look at problems from different perspectives, see alternatives, think flexibly and multifaceted, think logically and think historically, culturally, socially, etc. students will be able to recognize the effects of problems in the field of philosophy group. - Organizes activities for field teaching and develops appropriate teaching materials. Selects and uses the educational technologies necessary for educational activities. - Concepts related to educational technology and teaching profession, ideas, scientific methods, examines and evaluates, diagnoses of problems and issues, analyze and discuss scientific findings and evidence-based recommendations. -Knows the basic concepts of development; knows the physical, mental and psycho-social features of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Also knows the elements and characteristics needed to measure the psychological characteristics of the individual. - To access the information makes research sources, uses databases and other sources of information, evaluates the accuracy and timeliness of the information obtained from different sources. Knows the ways to access information such as archives, libraries, internet, museums, research centers and use them effectively. -Has the skills of learning to learn, self-regulation, lifelong learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. - Follows professional and ethical rules and takes part in cooperative practices. Furthermore, it possesses and acts in accordance with Democratic, social, scientific, cultural and moral values. Skills Cognitive, Applied - Has sufficient infrastructure related to philosophy group and branches of Educational Sciences and regulations related to his profession (laws, regulations, circulars, etc.), follows the basic values and principles, acts in accordance with them, knows the rights of job security and social security issues. - Uses theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of philosophy group and Educational Sciences to produce solutions to educational problems. - Identify and define educational problems, design related solutions, select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques suitable for this purpose. - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Has the ability to question, evaluate, make decisions, analyze and synthesize, make connections between events, compare, analyze, look at problems from different perspectives, see alternatives, think flexibly and multifaceted, think logically and think historically, culturally, socially, etc. students will be able to recognize the effects of problems in the field of philosophy group. - Organizes activities for field teaching and develops appropriate teaching materials. Selects and uses the educational technologies necessary for educational activities. - Concepts related to educational technology and teaching profession, ideas, scientific methods, examines and evaluates, diagnoses of problems and issues, analyze and discuss scientific findings and evidence-based recommendations. - To access the information makes research sources, uses databases and other sources of information, evaluates the accuracy and timeliness of the information obtained from different sources. Knows the ways to access information such as archives, libraries, internet, museums, research centers and use them effectively. -Has the skills of learning to learn, self-regulation, lifelong learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. - Follows professional and ethical rules and takes part in cooperative practices. Furthermore, it possesses and acts in accordance with Democratic, social, scientific, cultural and moral values. Competencies Ability to work independently and take responsibility - Has sufficient infrastructure related to philosophy group and branches of Educational Sciences and regulations related to his profession (laws, regulations, circulars, etc.), follows the basic values and principles, acts in accordance with them, knows the rights of job security and social security issues. - Uses theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of philosophy group and Educational Sciences to produce solutions to educational problems. - Identify and define educational problems, design related solutions, select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques suitable for this purpose. - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Has the ability to question, evaluate, make decisions, analyze and synthesize, make connections between events, compare, analyze, look at problems from different perspectives, see alternatives, think flexibly and multifaceted, think logically and think historically, culturally, socially, etc. students will be able to recognize the effects of problems in the field of philosophy group. - Organizes activities for field teaching and develops appropriate teaching materials. Selects and uses the educational technologies necessary for educational activities. - Concepts related to educational technology and teaching profession, ideas, scientific methods, examines and evaluates, diagnoses of problems and issues, analyze and discuss scientific findings and evidence-based recommendations. - To access the information makes research sources, uses databases and other sources of information, evaluates the accuracy and timeliness of the information obtained from different sources. Knows the ways to access information such as archives, libraries, internet, museums, research centers and use them effectively. -Has the skills of learning to learn, self-regulation, lifelong learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. - Follows professional and ethical rules and takes part in cooperative practices. Furthermore, it possesses and acts in accordance with Democratic, social, scientific, cultural and moral values. Learning Competence - Identify and define educational problems, design related solutions, select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques suitable for this purpose. - Explains theories, models, principles and generalizations related to philosophy, psychology, sociology and logic and explains the basic principles, events, phenomena and processes of these fields in the light of these generalizations. - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Has the ability to question, evaluate, make decisions, analyze and synthesize, make connections between events, compare, analyze, look at problems from different perspectives, see alternatives, think flexibly and multifaceted, think logically and think historically, culturally, socially, etc. students will be able to recognize the effects of problems in the field of philosophy group. - Concepts related to educational technology and teaching profession, ideas, scientific methods, examines and evaluates, diagnoses of problems and issues, analyze and discuss scientific findings and evidence-based recommendations. -Knows the basic concepts of development; knows the physical, mental and psycho-social features of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Also knows the elements and characteristics needed to measure the psychological characteristics of the individual. - To access the information makes research sources, uses databases and other sources of information, evaluates the accuracy and timeliness of the information obtained from different sources. Knows the ways to access information such as archives, libraries, internet, museums, research centers and use them effectively. -Has the skills of learning to learn, self-regulation, lifelong learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. - Follows professional and ethical rules and takes part in cooperative practices. Furthermore, it possesses and acts in accordance with Democratic, social, scientific, cultural and moral values. Communication and Social Competence - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Organizes activities for field teaching and develops appropriate teaching materials. Selects and uses the educational technologies necessary for educational activities. In this program, the student must be successful in all courses in the eight semesters of the program and collect at least 240 ECTS credits, 30 ECTS each semester, in order to qualify for the undergraduate diploma. To be eligible for a bachelors degree, the GPA must be at least 2.00 out of 4.00. | |
Progression Paths (Relationship Type) | Our department has three main duties: 1. Training of Philosophy Group Education teachers that our country needs. 2. Training academics to meet the needs of our universities 3. Conducting scientific investigation, research and execution In this direction, our graduates After completing their 4-year undergraduate education, they can raise their careers by taking masters and doctoral education in their field or related to them, and they can become a member of higher education institutions.Graduates of this department can work as a philosophy group teacher in high schools and equivalent schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. In addition, with a guidance certificate, he can work as a counselor in private schools and private teaching institutions. | |
Legal Basis | - | |
Validity Period (If Any) | Qualification is continuous | |
Url | Open Address | |
QrCode |
Students have got the sufficiency about department of philosophy and related fields education and educational science. They know the laws and rules about their profession. Students take the theoritical and practical knowledge which is interested in department of philosophy and related fields education and educational sciences to solve the educational problems. Students determine the educational problems and offer a solution these problems. They chose and practise the methods of analytic about these problems. Students explain the theory, the model, the princible and generalization about philosophy, psychology, sociology and logic. According to this explanation, they declare the basic principles of department of philosophy and related fields teaching. Students know the individual, peripheral and social factors which have an effect on the human relations. By this way, they acquire effective listening, positive feedback and creative problem solving. Students acquire some sufficiencies that inquiry, evaluation, decision making, analyse and syntheses, relating between events, comparison, gain a different viewpoint, life-wide learning, logical thinking etc. Students organize activity and material building about related field teaching. They choose and use the educational technology for quality education activity. Students research and evaluate scientifically the notions and the idea about profession of a teacher and education technology. Students know the basic notion of growing and know the characteristics of adolescence and adult periods. Student research related literatüre and use data bases. They use efectively the library, internet, the museum and the research center. They acquire the skills that learning to learn, self-regulation, life long learning, ciritical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. Students obey the Professional and ethical rules and participate in the collusive practices. They protect the values of democratic, social, scientific, cultural and ethical.
(1) Students are given a success letter grade for each course at the end of the semester / year they are registered. (2) This success letter grade is appreciated by the lecturer who teaches the course. (3) In the assessment of the letter grade of success, the students success in midterm exam, semester / year-end exam, mid-term studies and attendance to classes and practices are taken into consideration. The calculation of this letter grade is determined by the recommendation of the relevant academic unit board, the decision of the relevant board of the academic unit and the approval of the Senate. (4) The students success grade is determined over 100 full points. This score is called the raw success score. (5) A student whose raw success score is below 25.00 fails from that course by getting a direct (FF) grade. The success grade of the student whose raw success score is 25.00 and above; The general condition of the class is evaluated with one of the letter grades whose coefficients and expansions are stated below, using one of the methods prepared by the decision of the University Education Commission and the approval of the Senate, taking into account the arithmetic averages and statistical distribution. After this evaluation, it is possible that the raw achievement scores of 25.00 and above have letter grade equivalents (FF). (6) Coefficients and success letter grades are evaluated as follows:a) coefficients Notes 4:00 AA 3:50 BA 3:00 BB 2:50 CBA 2:00 CCI 1:50 DC 1:00 DDR 0:50 FDA 0:00 FF b) 1) D: Absent, 2) G: Not entered, 3) E: Incomplete, (The (E) grade, which is not corrected within three weeks following the finalization of the semester / year-end exam success letter grades, is converted into (FF).) 4) VZ: Withdrawal. (7) A student who takes one of the grades (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB), (CC), (DC) and (DD) from a course is considered successful. However, in order to graduate, the students AGNO must be at least 2.00. INFORMATION Theoretical, Factual - Has sufficient infrastructure related to philosophy group and branches of Educational Sciences and regulations related to his profession (laws, regulations, circulars, etc.), follows the basic values and principles, acts in accordance with them, knows the rights of job security and social security issues. - Uses theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of philosophy group and Educational Sciences to produce solutions to educational problems. - Identify and define educational problems, design related solutions, select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques suitable for this purpose. - Explains theories, models, principles and generalizations related to philosophy, psychology, sociology and logic and explains the basic principles, events, phenomena and processes of these fields in the light of these generalizations. - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Has the ability to question, evaluate, make decisions, analyze and synthesize, make connections between events, compare, analyze, look at problems from different perspectives, see alternatives, think flexibly and multifaceted, think logically and think historically, culturally, socially, etc. students will be able to recognize the effects of problems in the field of philosophy group. - Organizes activities for field teaching and develops appropriate teaching materials. Selects and uses the educational technologies necessary for educational activities. - Concepts related to educational technology and teaching profession, ideas, scientific methods, examines and evaluates, diagnoses of problems and issues, analyze and discuss scientific findings and evidence-based recommendations. -Knows the basic concepts of development; knows the physical, mental and psycho-social features of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Also knows the elements and characteristics needed to measure the psychological characteristics of the individual. - To access the information makes research sources, uses databases and other sources of information, evaluates the accuracy and timeliness of the information obtained from different sources. Knows the ways to access information such as archives, libraries, internet, museums, research centers and use them effectively. -Has the skills of learning to learn, self-regulation, lifelong learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. - Follows professional and ethical rules and takes part in cooperative practices. Furthermore, it possesses and acts in accordance with Democratic, social, scientific, cultural and moral values. Skills Cognitive, Applied - Has sufficient infrastructure related to philosophy group and branches of Educational Sciences and regulations related to his profession (laws, regulations, circulars, etc.), follows the basic values and principles, acts in accordance with them, knows the rights of job security and social security issues. - Uses theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of philosophy group and Educational Sciences to produce solutions to educational problems. - Identify and define educational problems, design related solutions, select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques suitable for this purpose. - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Has the ability to question, evaluate, make decisions, analyze and synthesize, make connections between events, compare, analyze, look at problems from different perspectives, see alternatives, think flexibly and multifaceted, think logically and think historically, culturally, socially, etc. students will be able to recognize the effects of problems in the field of philosophy group. - Organizes activities for field teaching and develops appropriate teaching materials. Selects and uses the educational technologies necessary for educational activities. - Concepts related to educational technology and teaching profession, ideas, scientific methods, examines and evaluates, diagnoses of problems and issues, analyze and discuss scientific findings and evidence-based recommendations. - To access the information makes research sources, uses databases and other sources of information, evaluates the accuracy and timeliness of the information obtained from different sources. Knows the ways to access information such as archives, libraries, internet, museums, research centers and use them effectively. -Has the skills of learning to learn, self-regulation, lifelong learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. - Follows professional and ethical rules and takes part in cooperative practices. Furthermore, it possesses and acts in accordance with Democratic, social, scientific, cultural and moral values. Competencies Ability to work independently and take responsibility - Has sufficient infrastructure related to philosophy group and branches of Educational Sciences and regulations related to his profession (laws, regulations, circulars, etc.), follows the basic values and principles, acts in accordance with them, knows the rights of job security and social security issues. - Uses theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of philosophy group and Educational Sciences to produce solutions to educational problems. - Identify and define educational problems, design related solutions, select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques suitable for this purpose. - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Has the ability to question, evaluate, make decisions, analyze and synthesize, make connections between events, compare, analyze, look at problems from different perspectives, see alternatives, think flexibly and multifaceted, think logically and think historically, culturally, socially, etc. students will be able to recognize the effects of problems in the field of philosophy group. - Organizes activities for field teaching and develops appropriate teaching materials. Selects and uses the educational technologies necessary for educational activities. - Concepts related to educational technology and teaching profession, ideas, scientific methods, examines and evaluates, diagnoses of problems and issues, analyze and discuss scientific findings and evidence-based recommendations. - To access the information makes research sources, uses databases and other sources of information, evaluates the accuracy and timeliness of the information obtained from different sources. Knows the ways to access information such as archives, libraries, internet, museums, research centers and use them effectively. -Has the skills of learning to learn, self-regulation, lifelong learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. - Follows professional and ethical rules and takes part in cooperative practices. Furthermore, it possesses and acts in accordance with Democratic, social, scientific, cultural and moral values. Learning Competence - Identify and define educational problems, design related solutions, select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques suitable for this purpose. - Explains theories, models, principles and generalizations related to philosophy, psychology, sociology and logic and explains the basic principles, events, phenomena and processes of these fields in the light of these generalizations. - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Has the ability to question, evaluate, make decisions, analyze and synthesize, make connections between events, compare, analyze, look at problems from different perspectives, see alternatives, think flexibly and multifaceted, think logically and think historically, culturally, socially, etc. students will be able to recognize the effects of problems in the field of philosophy group. - Concepts related to educational technology and teaching profession, ideas, scientific methods, examines and evaluates, diagnoses of problems and issues, analyze and discuss scientific findings and evidence-based recommendations. -Knows the basic concepts of development; knows the physical, mental and psycho-social features of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Also knows the elements and characteristics needed to measure the psychological characteristics of the individual. - To access the information makes research sources, uses databases and other sources of information, evaluates the accuracy and timeliness of the information obtained from different sources. Knows the ways to access information such as archives, libraries, internet, museums, research centers and use them effectively. -Has the skills of learning to learn, self-regulation, lifelong learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking. - Follows professional and ethical rules and takes part in cooperative practices. Furthermore, it possesses and acts in accordance with Democratic, social, scientific, cultural and moral values. Communication and Social Competence - Knows individual, environmental and social factors affecting interpersonal relationships. Gain the ability to listen effectively, to receive and give constructive feedback, to solve creative problems by using the acquired knowledge and use these skills in the professional field. - Organizes activities for field teaching and develops appropriate teaching materials. Selects and uses the educational technologies necessary for educational activities.
General admission requirements for Turkish and foreign students apply to start the program.
Our department has three main duties: 1. Training of Philosophy Group Education teachers that our country needs. 2. Training academics to meet the needs of our universities 3. Conducting scientific investigation, research and execution In this direction, our graduates After completing their 4-year undergraduate education, they can raise their careers by taking masters and doctoral education in their field or related to them, and they can become a member of higher education institutions.Graduates of this department can work as a philosophy group teacher in high schools and equivalent schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. In addition, with a guidance certificate, he can work as a counselor in private schools and private teaching institutions.
Qualification is continuous