Yeterlilik Kodu | TR0030020076 | |
Yeterlilik Adı | Siyaset ve Sosyal Bilimler Doktora Diploması | |
Sorumlu Kurum | Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi | |
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi | Yücetepe Mahallesi 85.Cadde No:8 06570 Çankaya/ANKARA | |
Sorumlu Kurum URL | | |
Yönelim | Akademik | |
AYÇ Seviyesi | 8 | Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir. |
TYÇ Seviyesi | 8 | |
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan) | Siyaset bilimleri ve yurttaşlık | |
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) | - | |
Kategori | Ana | |
Kredi Değeri | 240 | |
Programın Normal Süresi | 4 | |
Program Profili (Amaç) | - | |
Öğrenme Ortamları | - | |
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım) |
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Anahtar Yetkinlikler | - | |
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri | - | |
Kalite Güvencesi | - | |
Giriş Şartı | Lisansüstü programlara başvuru koşullarını sağlayan aday, en fazla iki programa başvurabilir, her iki programın sınavından başarılı olsa dahi ancak bir programa kayıt yaptırabilir. Lisansüstü programlara başvuruda tüm sorumluluk adayların kendilerine aittir. Gerçeğe aykırı beyanda bulunanların başvuruları iptal edilir. Lisansüstü programlara kabul edilen adayların listesi kesinleştikten sonra asıl ve yedek olarak enstitü tarafından ilân edilir. Kesin kayıt işlemleri enstitü tarafından duyurulan süre içerisinde ve belirlenen esaslara uygun olarak yapılır. Süresi içerisinde gerekli evrakı teslim ederek kesin kaydını yaptırmayan aday, kayıt hakkını kaybeder. Bu adayın yerine yedek listedeki adaylar sırasıyla ilan edilerek kabul edilir. İlanları ve bu ilanlara ilişkin güncellemeleri takip etme sorumluluğu adaylara aittir. | |
Başarma Şartları | Mezuniyet için genel not ortalaması; tezsiz/tezli yüksek lisans, doktora ve sanatta yeterlikte 4,00 üzerinden en az 3,00’tür. Toplam kredisini tamamladığı halde mezuniyet şartını sağlayamamış olan öğrenciler, yeni ders/dersler alarak bu şartı sağlar. | |
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü) | Kamu bürokrasisi ve özel şirketler | |
Yasal Dayanağı | - | |
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa) | Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir | |
Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi | Adresi Aç |
- Türkiye ve dünyada yaşanan siyasi olayları analiz etme yeteneğine sahip olmak.
- Türkiye’nin siyasal, toplumsal ve ekonomik yapısını biçimlendiren veya etkileyen olayları anlama, yorumlama konusunda bilgi ve yetenek sahibi olmak.
- Sosyoloji ile ilgili temel kavramları, bilimsel yöntem ve araştırma tekniklerini, sosyolojide yeni yaklaşımları öğrenme; genel olarak ve Türkiye özelinde toplumsal olayları yorumlama becerisine sahip olmak.
- Farklı ülkelerin yönetim yapılarını ve yönetim sistemlerindeki gelişmeleri analiz edebilmek.
- Örgüt ve yönetim, siyaset bilimi, sosyoloji, hukuk bilimleri, kentleşme ve çevre politikaları alanlarında teorik ve pratik açıdan mesleki uzmanlık ve beceriye sahip olmak.
Lisansüstü programlara başvuru koşullarını sağlayan aday, en fazla iki programa başvurabilir, her iki programın sınavından başarılı olsa dahi ancak bir programa kayıt yaptırabilir. Lisansüstü programlara başvuruda tüm sorumluluk adayların kendilerine aittir. Gerçeğe aykırı beyanda bulunanların başvuruları iptal edilir. Lisansüstü programlara kabul edilen adayların listesi kesinleştikten sonra asıl ve yedek olarak enstitü tarafından ilân edilir. Kesin kayıt işlemleri enstitü tarafından duyurulan süre içerisinde ve belirlenen esaslara uygun olarak yapılır. Süresi içerisinde gerekli evrakı teslim ederek kesin kaydını yaptırmayan aday, kayıt hakkını kaybeder. Bu adayın yerine yedek listedeki adaylar sırasıyla ilan edilerek kabul edilir. İlanları ve bu ilanlara ilişkin güncellemeleri takip etme sorumluluğu adaylara aittir.
Kamu bürokrasisi ve özel şirketler
Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir
Qualification Code | TR0030020076 | |
Qualification Title | Politics and Social Sciences Doctorate Diploma | |
Awarding Body | Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University | |
Awarding Body Contact | ||
Awarding Body Url | | |
Orientation | Academic | |
EQF Level | 8 | The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF. |
TQF Level | 8 | |
Thematic Areas | Political sciences and civics | |
National Occupation Classification | - | |
Category | Main | |
Credit Value | - | |
Program Duration | - | |
Program Profile | - | |
Learning Environments | - | |
Description |
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Key Competencies | - | |
Further Info | Grade point average for graduation; non-thesis / masters, doctorate and proficiency in arts is at least 3.00 out of 4.00. Students who have not fulfilled the graduation requirement after completing their total credits meet this requirement by taking new courses / courses. Grade point average for graduation; non-thesis / master thesis, doctorate and proficiency in art is at least 3.00 out of 4.00. Students who have not fulfilled the graduation requirement after completing their total credits meet this requirement by taking new courses / courses. | |
Quality Assurance | - | |
Access Requirements | Applicants who meet the requirements for graduate programs can apply to a maximum of two programs, but can only register for one program even if they are successful in both programs. All responsibility for applying to graduate programs belongs to the candidates themselves. The applications of those who make false declarations are canceled. The list of the applicants admitted to the graduate programs is announced by the institute as original and substitute. Final registration procedures are carried out within the period announced by the institute and in accordance with the principles determined. The candidate who does not submit the required registration within the time limit and loses his right to register. Instead of this candidate, the candidates in the reserve list are announced and accepted respectively. It is the responsibility of the candidates to follow up the postings and updates regarding these postings. | |
Conditions for Success | Grade point average for graduation; non-thesis / master thesis, doctorate and proficiency in art is at least 3.00 out of 4.00. Students who have not fulfilled the graduation requirement after completing their total credits meet this requirement by taking new courses / courses. (1) Students success is assessed by midterm or mid-term studies and final exam or final project work. Exams are conducted by the responsible faculty member in accordance with the University academic calendar. Exam documents are delivered to the institute at the end of each semester by the instructor of the course. (2) The student may take an elective course which he / she has failed or may choose another course instead. Students who fail the compulsory course take the same course again. The student can repeat the courses that he / she succeeds in order to increase the weighted grade point average provided that the registration is renewed. In this case, the students final grade is valid. (3) Midterm exams or mid-term studies and final exam or final project studies are evaluated over 100 points. In the calculation of the success grade of a course, the weight of the midterm and final exams is 50% for midterm and 50% for final exam. A student who does not participate in midterm exams or in-term studies cannot take the final exam. In order for the student to be considered successful from the related course, the minimum letter of success in the masters degree is CC; Ph.D., Integrated Ph.D. and Proficiency in Art letter grade must be minimum CB. In distance education, the effect of unattended measurement and evaluation activities on the overall success can not be more than 20%. (4) The success letter grade of a credit course is appreciated by the instructor. The coefficients corresponding to the success letter grade are as follows: SUCCESS GRADE COEFFICIENT SCORE AA 4.00 90-100 BA 3,50 85-89 BB 3.00 80-84 CB 2.50 75-79 CC 2.00 70-74 DC 1.50 65-69 DD 1.00 60-64 FD 0.50 50-59 FF 0.00 0-49 (5) In addition, the following letters are used for assessments other than letter grades in the table: a) BL: Successful. b) BZ: Failed. c) DZ: Absent. ç) GR: Not entered. (6) Weighted grade point average is the sum of the weighted scores obtained for each course. The weighting point of a course is obtained by multiplying the grade obtained from the course by the ECTS credits of the course and dividing the result by the total ECTS credits of the courses passed. The mean is rounded by executing two digits after the comma. (7) The student who does not participate in the exams is given the grade Gir Not Entered ve (GR) and the grade of the course is graded as FF. All grades are transferred to the student status certificate. Courses such as specialization course, seminar course, graduation project and thesis study are evaluated as Successful (BL) or Unsuccessful (BZ). Grades (BL) and (BZ) are not included in the grade point average. (8) Grade point average for graduation; non-thesis / master thesis, doctorate and proficiency in art is at least 3.00 out of 4.00. Students who have not fulfilled the graduation requirement after completing their total credits meet this requirement by taking new courses / courses. (9) A student who does not get the right to take the final exam because he has not fulfilled his / her obligation to attend the course or the conditions related to the course applications is considered to be Attending (DZ). (10) Student admissions, midterm and final exam results, successful / unsuccessful evaluations cannot be objected except for financial errors. Objections to material errors shall be made in writing to the Institute Directorate within seven days following the announcement of the exam results in the student information system. Any objections not made within the time limit shall not be considered. If a material error is detected in the exam papers or exam score sheets, the error is corrected by the board of directors of the institute upon the opinion of the responsible faculty member. (11) Education and training principles related to distance education programs are subject to the principles of non-thesis masters programs other than the special arrangements provided for in this Regulation. | |
Progression Paths (Relationship Type) | State bureaucracy and private organisations | |
Legal Basis | - | |
Validity Period (If Any) | Qualification is continuous | |
Url | Open Address |
- Having the ability to analyze the political events in the world and in Turkey.
- Having knowledge and skills about understanding and interpreting the events that shape or influence Turkish political, social and economic structure.
- Having the ability to learn the basic concepts, scientific methods, research techniques and new approaches in sociology and to interpret the social events in general and Turkey in particular.
- Analyzing the management structures and the developments in management systems of different countries.
- Having the professional expertise and skills on theoretical and practical aspects of organization and management, political science, sociology, law, urbanization and environmental politics
Grade point average for graduation; non-thesis / masters, doctorate and proficiency in arts is at least 3.00 out of 4.00. Students who have not fulfilled the graduation requirement after completing their total credits meet this requirement by taking new courses / courses. Grade point average for graduation; non-thesis / master thesis, doctorate and proficiency in art is at least 3.00 out of 4.00. Students who have not fulfilled the graduation requirement after completing their total credits meet this requirement by taking new courses / courses.
Applicants who meet the requirements for graduate programs can apply to a maximum of two programs, but can only register for one program even if they are successful in both programs. All responsibility for applying to graduate programs belongs to the candidates themselves. The applications of those who make false declarations are canceled. The list of the applicants admitted to the graduate programs is announced by the institute as original and substitute. Final registration procedures are carried out within the period announced by the institute and in accordance with the principles determined. The candidate who does not submit the required registration within the time limit and loses his right to register. Instead of this candidate, the candidates in the reserve list are announced and accepted respectively. It is the responsibility of the candidates to follow up the postings and updates regarding these postings.
State bureaucracy and private organisations
Qualification is continuous