Yeterlilik Kodu | TR0030004382 | |
Yeterlilik Adı | Temel İslam Bilimleri Doktora Diploması | |
Sorumlu Kurum | Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi | |
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi | Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi Esenboğa Külliyesi, Esenboğa/ANKARA | |
Sorumlu Kurum URL | | |
Yönelim | - | |
AYÇ Seviyesi | 8 | Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir. |
TYÇ Seviyesi | 8 | |
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan) | Din ve teoloji | |
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) | - | |
Kategori | - | |
Kredi Değeri | - | |
Programın Normal Süresi | - | |
Program Profili (Amaç) | - | |
Öğrenme Ortamları | - | |
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım) |
| |
Anahtar Yetkinlikler | - | |
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri | - | |
Kalite Güvencesi | - | |
Giriş Şartı | Tezli Yüksek Lisans programından (4/2.80) derece ile mezunu olmak, ALES sözel ya da eşit ağırlık puan türlerinden 55 puan almak, YÖK tarafından yapılan ya da geçerliliği kabul edilen yabancı dil sınavlarından en az 55 puan almak, mülakat sınavında başarılı olmak. | |
Başarma Şartları | Öğrencinin asgari 240 AKTS kredilik yüke sahip en az 8 ders, Seminer çalışması ve tezini başarı ile tamamlaması, genel not ortalamasının 4,00 üzerinden en az 3,00 olması gerekmektedir. | |
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü) | DİB ve MEB’e bağlı eğitim kurumları yanında gerekli şartları sağlamaları halinde alanı ile ilgili yüksek öğretim kurumlarında öğretim elemanı olarak çalışabilirler. | |
Yasal Dayanağı | - | |
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa) | Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir | |
Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi | Adresi Aç |
- Din olgusunun, insan ve toplum yapısının oluşmasına, değişmesine ve gelişmesine etkilerini sonuçları ile birlikte açıklayabilecek bilgileri kazandırmak.
- Din, insan ve toplumun birbiri ile ilişkili kavramlar olduğunu, bilimsel yaklaşımla açıklayabilecek bilgi birikimini kazandırmak.
- İslam dünyasında doğan ve gelişen dini, felsefi, kültürel kurumlar ile buralarda yetişen ilim adamları ve eserleri hakkında bilgiler kazandırmak.
- Bilimsel araştırma yöntem ve teknikleri hakkında ileri düzeyde donanıma sahip olmasını sağlamak.
- Alanı ile ilgili temel sorunları tanıma ve bunlarla ilgili çözüm yolları üreten kaynaklara ulaşabilme ve kullanabilme becerisini kazandırmak.
- Din ve toplum ilişkileri ile ilgili temel konular üzerinde bağımsız bilimsel araştırmalar yapabilme ve sonuçlara ulaşabilme, ulaştığı sonuçları, objektif ve bilimsel ölçütlere göre savunabilme.
- İslam bilim ve kültür mirasının anlaşılması, yorumlanması, geliştirilmesi ve geleceğe aktarılmasına katkıda bulunabilecek bilim insanları yetiştirmek.
Tezli Yüksek Lisans programından (4/2.80) derece ile mezunu olmak, ALES sözel ya da eşit ağırlık puan türlerinden 55 puan almak, YÖK tarafından yapılan ya da geçerliliği kabul edilen yabancı dil sınavlarından en az 55 puan almak, mülakat sınavında başarılı olmak.
DİB ve MEB’e bağlı eğitim kurumları yanında gerekli şartları sağlamaları halinde alanı ile ilgili yüksek öğretim kurumlarında öğretim elemanı olarak çalışabilirler.
Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir
Qualification Code | TR0030004382 | |
Qualification Title | TEMEL İSLAM BİLİMLERİ DOKTORA(TR) Doctorate | |
Awarding Body Contact | Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Esenboğa Campus Esenboğa /ANKARA | |
Awarding Body Url | | |
Orientation | - | |
EQF Level | 8 | The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF. |
TQF Level | 8 | |
Thematic Areas | Religion and theology | |
National Occupation Classification | - | |
Category | - | |
Credit Value | - | |
Program Duration | - | |
Program Profile | - | |
Learning Environments | - | |
Description | To gain knowledge on how phenomenon of religion has affected the human being, the construction, transformation and development of society and to explain these effects of religion with their consequences.To gain knowledge on that religion, human and society are related to each other and to have ability to explain it with scientific approach.To gain knowledge about religious, philosophical and cultural constitutions which are originated and developed in Islamic world, to have information about the scholars who belong to this atmosphere and their works.To provide advanced knowledge on method and tecniques of scientific research.To gain ability to recognize basic problems about the concerned field and to reach and use resources which produce solutions to these problems.To gain ability to do scientific researches on basic issues with regard to relations between religion and society and to assess and justify the results of the researches according to objective and scientific criteria.Training people who can conribute understanding, interpreting and transmeting of scientific and cultural hertiage of Islam. | |
Key Competencies | - | |
Further Info | There are several kinds of assessment like mid-term exam, research Project, presentation and final exam. Students must have at least 3,00 out of CGPA to be graduated from the programme. The courses are scored according to these kinds of assessments and graded as letters. Letter grades and their coefficients are below:Grades Coefficient ScoreAA 4.00 90-100BA 3.50 80-89BB 3.00 70-79CB 2.50 65-69CC 2.00 60-64DC 1.50 55-59DD 1.00 50-54FD 0.50 40-49FF 0.00 39-0Students must complete successfully at least eight courses, a seminar and dissertation which correspond to 240 ECTS (21 National) credits and must have at least 3,00 out of CGPA. The student who complete all courses must pass prorifiency exam and prepare a dissertation proposal which must be approved by thesis comittee. To presen tor publish a paper related to dissertation topic is also required for graduation. | |
Quality Assurance | - | |
Access Requirements | Candidates applying with Master’s Degree must have at least 2.80 out of 4.00 CGPA graduate degrees and must have a minimum score of 55 (verbal or verbal-mathematical score) from ALES (National Graduate Education Science Exam), or equivalent international exam scores. Candidates also must have a minimum 55 score of YDS/YÖKDİL (National English Proficiency Exams) or equivalent scores from international examinations (e.g. TOEFL), the equivalency of which is recognized by the Council of Higher Education in Turkey, and must be successful in oral exam. | |
Conditions for Success | Students must complete successfully at least eight courses, a seminar and dissertation which correspond to 240 ECTS (21 National) credits and must have at least 3,00 out of CGPA. The student who complete all courses must pass prorifiency exam and prepare a dissertation proposal which must be approved by thesis comittee. To presen tor publish a paper related to dissertation topic is also required for graduation.Students must complete successfully at least eight courses, a seminar and dissertation which correspond to 240 ECTS (21 National) credits and must have at least 3,00 out of CGPA. | |
Progression Paths (Relationship Type) | Graduates can work at educational institutions under DİB and MEB and can serve as academician at universites on the condition that providing necessary conditions. | |
Legal Basis | - | |
Validity Period (If Any) | Qualification is continuous | |
Url | Open Address |
To gain knowledge on how phenomenon of religion has affected the human being, the construction, transformation and development of society and to explain these effects of religion with their consequences.To gain knowledge on that religion, human and society are related to each other and to have ability to explain it with scientific approach.To gain knowledge about religious, philosophical and cultural constitutions which are originated and developed in Islamic world, to have information about the scholars who belong to this atmosphere and their works.To provide advanced knowledge on method and tecniques of scientific research.To gain ability to recognize basic problems about the concerned field and to reach and use resources which produce solutions to these problems.To gain ability to do scientific researches on basic issues with regard to relations between religion and society and to assess and justify the results of the researches according to objective and scientific criteria.Training people who can conribute understanding, interpreting and transmeting of scientific and cultural hertiage of Islam.
There are several kinds of assessment like mid-term exam, research Project, presentation and final exam. Students must have at least 3,00 out of CGPA to be graduated from the programme. The courses are scored according to these kinds of assessments and graded as letters. Letter grades and their coefficients are below:Grades Coefficient ScoreAA 4.00 90-100BA 3.50 80-89BB 3.00 70-79CB 2.50 65-69CC 2.00 60-64DC 1.50 55-59DD 1.00 50-54FD 0.50 40-49FF 0.00 39-0Students must complete successfully at least eight courses, a seminar and dissertation which correspond to 240 ECTS (21 National) credits and must have at least 3,00 out of CGPA. The student who complete all courses must pass prorifiency exam and prepare a dissertation proposal which must be approved by thesis comittee. To presen tor publish a paper related to dissertation topic is also required for graduation.
Candidates applying with Master’s Degree must have at least 2.80 out of 4.00 CGPA graduate degrees and must have a minimum score of 55 (verbal or verbal-mathematical score) from ALES (National Graduate Education Science Exam), or equivalent international exam scores. Candidates also must have a minimum 55 score of YDS/YÖKDİL (National English Proficiency Exams) or equivalent scores from international examinations (e.g. TOEFL), the equivalency of which is recognized by the Council of Higher Education in Turkey, and must be successful in oral exam.
Graduates can work at educational institutions under DİB and MEB and can serve as academician at universites on the condition that providing necessary conditions.
Qualification is continuous