Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Tıbbi Laboratuvar Teknikleri Ön Lisans Diploması
Sorumlu KurumBezmialem Vakıf Üniversitesi
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim BilgisiTopkapı Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Vatan Bulvarı No:113 34093 Fatih/İstanbul
Sorumlu Kurum URL
AYÇ Seviyesi5
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.
TYÇ Seviyesi 5
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan)Tıbbi teşhis ve tedavi teknolojisi
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) -
Kredi Değeri120
Programın Normal Süresi 2
Program Profili (Amaç)

Tıbbi Laboratuvar Teknikleri Programının amacı, başlıca klinik biyokimya, mikrobiyoloji, patoloji, moleküler biyoloji ve genetik laboratuvarlarında kimyasal analizleri yapacak eleman yetiştirmektir. Eğitim kalitesini yükseltmek amacı ile ileri eğitim teknikleri kullanarak ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde rekabet edebilecek eğitim standartlarına ulaşmak ve kendi alanlarında uluslararası düzeyde bilgi seviyesine ulaşmış, evrensel değerlere saygılı, değişim ve yenilikçiliğe önder olan kaliteli ara eleman yetiştirmektir.

Tam burslu eğitim sağlamaktadır.

Öğrenme Ortamları-
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • İnsanların temel yapısı (anatomisi, hücre ve dokuları, fizyolojisi, biyokimyası ve bağışıklık sistemi) ve hastalıklarının temel özellikleri hakkında bilgi sahibi olma.
  • Mikroorganizma ve parazitlerin özellikleri ve yaptıkları hastalıklarla ilgili temel bilgiye sahip olma.
  • Dezenfeksiyon, sterilizasyon ve hijyen konusunda bilgiye sahip olma.
  • Ölçüm yöntemlerini bilme.
  • Laboratuvar araç ve gereçlerini tanıma.
  • Preanalitik, analitik ve post analitik evrelerle ilgili ayrıntılı bilgi sahibi olup, bu evrelerde yapılacakları planlayabilme.
  • Hastadan alınan örnekleri uygun şartlarda saklama ve korunmasını sağlama.
  •  Materyal analizlerini (biyokimyasal, mikrobiyolojik, immünolojik, patolojik, hematolojik vs.) yapma.
  • Materyal analiz sonuçlarını kontrol etme ve laboratuvar uzmanına ulaştırma.
  • Laboratuvar cihazların kalibrasyon ve bakımlarını düzenli yaptırma ve en verimli şekilde çalışmalarını sağlama.
  • Kritik değerlerle ilgili bilgi sahibi olup, gerektiğinde sonuçları klinisyene en uygun ve hızlı şekilde bildirerek koordinasyonu sağlayabilme.
  • Mezun olduktan sonra öğrendiği bilgileri kendi bilgileri ile eleştirel bir şekilde değerlendirme becerisine sahip olma.
  • Mesleki ve etik sorumluluk bilincine sahip olarak meslektaşları, hastalar ve hekimlerle sağlıklı iletişim kurabilme.
  • Çalışma ortamında sağlık ve iş güvenliğine ilişkin önlemleri alma, yaralanmalarda ilk müdaheleyi bilme.
  • Mesleki teknolojik gelişmeleri izleme.
Anahtar Yetkinlikler -
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri -
Kalite Güvencesi-
Giriş Şartı-
Başarma ŞartlarıÖğrencilerin mezun olabilmeleri için dört yarıyılda toplam 120 AKTS kredisini başarıyla tamamlamış ve 4 lük sisteme göre en az 2,00 genel akademik ortalama elde etmiş olması gerekmektedir.
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Tıbbi laboratuvar teknikerleri, hastanelerde, tıp fakültelerinde, özel tahlil laboratuvarlarında, diğer sağlık kuruluşlarının araştırma merkezlerinde, hıfzısıhha enstitülerinde ve gıda sanayii işletmelerinde çalışabilirler. Tıp alanında araştırma ve geliştirme çalışmaları yapan kurum ve kuruluşlar ile araştırma merkezlerinde çalışabilirler.

Yasal Dayanağı-
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)-
Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi Adresi Aç
Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Tıbbi Laboratuvar Teknikleri Ön Lisans Diploması

Sorumlu Kurum
Bezmialem Vakıf Üniversitesi

Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi
Topkapı Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Vatan Bulvarı No:113 34093 Fatih/İstanbul

Sorumlu Kurum URL


Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)

AYÇ Seviyesi

TYÇ Seviyesi
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.

Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)


Kredi Değeri

Programın Normal Süresi

Program Profili (Amaç)

Tıbbi Laboratuvar Teknikleri Programının amacı, başlıca klinik biyokimya, mikrobiyoloji, patoloji, moleküler biyoloji ve genetik laboratuvarlarında kimyasal analizleri yapacak eleman yetiştirmektir. Eğitim kalitesini yükseltmek amacı ile ileri eğitim teknikleri kullanarak ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde rekabet edebilecek eğitim standartlarına ulaşmak ve kendi alanlarında uluslararası düzeyde bilgi seviyesine ulaşmış, evrensel değerlere saygılı, değişim ve yenilikçiliğe önder olan kaliteli ara eleman yetiştirmektir.

Tam burslu eğitim sağlamaktadır.

Öğrenme Ortamları

Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • İnsanların temel yapısı (anatomisi, hücre ve dokuları, fizyolojisi, biyokimyası ve bağışıklık sistemi) ve hastalıklarının temel özellikleri hakkında bilgi sahibi olma.
  • Mikroorganizma ve parazitlerin özellikleri ve yaptıkları hastalıklarla ilgili temel bilgiye sahip olma.
  • Dezenfeksiyon, sterilizasyon ve hijyen konusunda bilgiye sahip olma.
  • Ölçüm yöntemlerini bilme.
  • Laboratuvar araç ve gereçlerini tanıma.
  • Preanalitik, analitik ve post analitik evrelerle ilgili ayrıntılı bilgi sahibi olup, bu evrelerde yapılacakları planlayabilme.
  • Hastadan alınan örnekleri uygun şartlarda saklama ve korunmasını sağlama.
  •  Materyal analizlerini (biyokimyasal, mikrobiyolojik, immünolojik, patolojik, hematolojik vs.) yapma.
  • Materyal analiz sonuçlarını kontrol etme ve laboratuvar uzmanına ulaştırma.
  • Laboratuvar cihazların kalibrasyon ve bakımlarını düzenli yaptırma ve en verimli şekilde çalışmalarını sağlama.
  • Kritik değerlerle ilgili bilgi sahibi olup, gerektiğinde sonuçları klinisyene en uygun ve hızlı şekilde bildirerek koordinasyonu sağlayabilme.
  • Mezun olduktan sonra öğrendiği bilgileri kendi bilgileri ile eleştirel bir şekilde değerlendirme becerisine sahip olma.
  • Mesleki ve etik sorumluluk bilincine sahip olarak meslektaşları, hastalar ve hekimlerle sağlıklı iletişim kurabilme.
  • Çalışma ortamında sağlık ve iş güvenliğine ilişkin önlemleri alma, yaralanmalarda ilk müdaheleyi bilme.
  • Mesleki teknolojik gelişmeleri izleme.

Anahtar Yetkinlikler

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri

Kalite Güvencesi

Giriş Şartı

Başarma Şartları
Öğrencilerin mezun olabilmeleri için dört yarıyılda toplam 120 AKTS kredisini başarıyla tamamlamış ve 4 lük sisteme göre en az 2,00 genel akademik ortalama elde etmiş olması gerekmektedir.

İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Tıbbi laboratuvar teknikerleri, hastanelerde, tıp fakültelerinde, özel tahlil laboratuvarlarında, diğer sağlık kuruluşlarının araştırma merkezlerinde, hıfzısıhha enstitülerinde ve gıda sanayii işletmelerinde çalışabilirler. Tıp alanında araştırma ve geliştirme çalışmaları yapan kurum ve kuruluşlar ile araştırma merkezlerinde çalışabilirler.

Yasal Dayanağı

Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi
Adresi Aç

Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Tıbbi Laboratuvar Teknikleri Associate
Awarding BodyBezmialem Vakif University
Awarding Body ContactTopkapı Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Vatan Bulvarı No:113 34093 Fatih/İstanbul
Awarding Body Url
EQF Level5
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.
TQF Level 5
Thematic AreasMedical diagnostic and treatment technology
National Occupation Classification -
Credit Value120
Program Duration2
Program Profile-
Learning Environments-

Having knowledge about the basic structure of humans (anatomy, cells and tissues, physiology, biochemistry and immune system) and basic features of diseases,Having basic knowledge about microorganisms and parasites and their diseases,Having knowledge about disinfection, sterilization and hygiene,Know measurement methods,Recognizing laboratory tools and equipment, Having detailed knowledge about the preanalytical, analytical and post analytical phases, the students will be able to plan, Ensure that samples taken from the patient are stored and protected under appropriate conditions,Making material analyzes (biochemical, microbiological, immunological, pathological, hematologic etc.)Checking the material analysis results and delivering them to the laboratory specialist,Ensure that laboratory equipment is calibrated and maintained regularly and that it is operated in the most efficient manner,Being knowledgeable about critical values ??and being able to provide coordination by informing the clinician of the results in the most appropriate and quick manner when necessary,Having the ability to critically evaluate the information he or she has learned after graduation,Being able to communicate with colleagues, patients and physicians with a professional and ethical responsibility, Taking precautions related to health and work safety in the working environment, knowing the first intervention in injuries, Monitoring of professional technological developments,

Key Competencies-
Further Info

Examinations, assessment and evaluation are carried out on the basis of the Vocational School Vocational School of Health Services . Students are subject to a final examination other than the exams they have taken or their work. Students are required to take at least one midterm exam each semester. Criteria to be taken into account in evaluating students achievement (midterm, homework, practice, final exam etc.) and their ratios are indicated in the curriculum distributed to the students at the beginning of the semester or published on the website. Final examinations are held on the dates announced by the University at the specified time and place. Students final grade success grades; midterm examinations, final exam grades and studies carried out during the semester and course attendance rules are given by the instructor responsible for the course. Make-up exams are held for students who fail to enter the final exam, or who fail at the end of the final exam (F). Note that this test is not entered for upgrade or other reasons.1. Having knowledge about the basic structure of humans (anatomy, cells and tissues, physiology, biochemistry and immune system) and basic features of diseases,2. Having basic knowledge about microorganisms and parasites and their diseases,3. Having knowledge about disinfection, sterilization and hygiene,4. Know measurement methods,5. Recognizing laboratory tools and equipment,6. Having detailed knowledge about the preanalytical, analytical and post analytical phases, the students will be able to plan,7. Ensure that samples taken from the patient are stored and protected under appropriate conditions,8. Making material analyzes (biochemical, microbiological, immunological, pathological, hematologic etc.)9. Checking the material analysis results and delivering them to the laboratory specialist,10. Ensure that laboratory equipment is calibrated and maintained regularly and that it is operated in the most efficient manner,11. Being knowledgeable about critical values ??and being able to provide coordination by informing the clinician about the results in a most convenient and quick way if necessary12. Having the ability to critically evaluate the information he or she has learned after graduation,13. Being able to communicate with colleagues, patients and physicians with a professional and ethical responsibility,14. Taking precautions related to health and work safety in the working environment, knowing the first intervention in injuries,15. Monitoring professional technological developments.

Quality Assurance-
Access Requirements

In order to register the program, it is necessary to be successful by taking the determined base score in the exams organized by OSYM. A student who is studying in an equivalent program at home or abroad may apply for horizontal transfer if the quota is opened by the university. The acceptance of students is the result of evaluating the success status of the applicants. Students who come from abroad under the student exchange program approved by the university and bounded by an agreement can register. Students are required to certify English Language Proficiency in order to register for the program. International students are accepted on the basis of their internationally validated SAT, ACT, or secondary school graduation notes in the framework of the International or Foreign Student Application, Admission and Registration Directive .

Conditions for Success1. Having knowledge about the basic structure of humans (anatomy, cells and tissues, physiology, biochemistry and immune system) and basic features of diseases,2. Having basic knowledge about microorganisms and parasites and their diseases,3. Having knowledge about disinfection, sterilization and hygiene,4. Know measurement methods,5. Recognizing laboratory tools and equipment,6. Having detailed knowledge about the preanalytical, analytical and post analytical phases, the students will be able to plan,7. Ensure that samples taken from the patient are stored and protected under appropriate conditions,8. Making material analyzes (biochemical, microbiological, immunological, pathological, hematologic etc.)9. Checking the material analysis results and delivering them to the laboratory specialist,10. Ensure that laboratory equipment is calibrated and maintained regularly and that it is operated in the most efficient manner,11. Being knowledgeable about critical values ??and being able to provide coordination by informing the clinician about the results in a most convenient and quick way if necessary12. Having the ability to critically evaluate the information he or she has learned after graduation,13. Being able to communicate with colleagues, patients and physicians with a professional and ethical responsibility,14. Taking precautions related to health and work safety in the working environment, knowing the first intervention in injuries,15. Monitoring professional technological developments.In order to graduate, students must have successfully completed 120 ECTS credits in four semesters and have achieved at least 2.00 overall academic averages according to the 4th system.
Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Medical laboratory technicians can work in hospitals, medical faculties, special analysis laboratories, research centers of other health institutions, hygiene institute of food industry and food industry enterprises. They can work in research centers and institutions and organizations engaged in research and development studies in medicine.

Legal Basis-
Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Url Open Address
Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Tıbbi Laboratuvar Teknikleri Associate

Awarding Body
Bezmialem Vakif University

Awarding Body Contact
Topkapı Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Vatan Bulvarı No:113 34093 Fatih/İstanbul

Awarding Body Url


National Occupation Classification

EQF Level

TQF Level
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.

National Occupation Classification


Credit Value

Program Duration

Program Profile

Learning Environments


Having knowledge about the basic structure of humans (anatomy, cells and tissues, physiology, biochemistry and immune system) and basic features of diseases,Having basic knowledge about microorganisms and parasites and their diseases,Having knowledge about disinfection, sterilization and hygiene,Know measurement methods,Recognizing laboratory tools and equipment, Having detailed knowledge about the preanalytical, analytical and post analytical phases, the students will be able to plan, Ensure that samples taken from the patient are stored and protected under appropriate conditions,Making material analyzes (biochemical, microbiological, immunological, pathological, hematologic etc.)Checking the material analysis results and delivering them to the laboratory specialist,Ensure that laboratory equipment is calibrated and maintained regularly and that it is operated in the most efficient manner,Being knowledgeable about critical values ??and being able to provide coordination by informing the clinician of the results in the most appropriate and quick manner when necessary,Having the ability to critically evaluate the information he or she has learned after graduation,Being able to communicate with colleagues, patients and physicians with a professional and ethical responsibility, Taking precautions related to health and work safety in the working environment, knowing the first intervention in injuries, Monitoring of professional technological developments,

Key Competencies

Further Info

Examinations, assessment and evaluation are carried out on the basis of the Vocational School Vocational School of Health Services . Students are subject to a final examination other than the exams they have taken or their work. Students are required to take at least one midterm exam each semester. Criteria to be taken into account in evaluating students achievement (midterm, homework, practice, final exam etc.) and their ratios are indicated in the curriculum distributed to the students at the beginning of the semester or published on the website. Final examinations are held on the dates announced by the University at the specified time and place. Students final grade success grades; midterm examinations, final exam grades and studies carried out during the semester and course attendance rules are given by the instructor responsible for the course. Make-up exams are held for students who fail to enter the final exam, or who fail at the end of the final exam (F). Note that this test is not entered for upgrade or other reasons.1. Having knowledge about the basic structure of humans (anatomy, cells and tissues, physiology, biochemistry and immune system) and basic features of diseases,2. Having basic knowledge about microorganisms and parasites and their diseases,3. Having knowledge about disinfection, sterilization and hygiene,4. Know measurement methods,5. Recognizing laboratory tools and equipment,6. Having detailed knowledge about the preanalytical, analytical and post analytical phases, the students will be able to plan,7. Ensure that samples taken from the patient are stored and protected under appropriate conditions,8. Making material analyzes (biochemical, microbiological, immunological, pathological, hematologic etc.)9. Checking the material analysis results and delivering them to the laboratory specialist,10. Ensure that laboratory equipment is calibrated and maintained regularly and that it is operated in the most efficient manner,11. Being knowledgeable about critical values ??and being able to provide coordination by informing the clinician about the results in a most convenient and quick way if necessary12. Having the ability to critically evaluate the information he or she has learned after graduation,13. Being able to communicate with colleagues, patients and physicians with a professional and ethical responsibility,14. Taking precautions related to health and work safety in the working environment, knowing the first intervention in injuries,15. Monitoring professional technological developments.

Quality Assurance

Access Requirements

In order to register the program, it is necessary to be successful by taking the determined base score in the exams organized by OSYM. A student who is studying in an equivalent program at home or abroad may apply for horizontal transfer if the quota is opened by the university. The acceptance of students is the result of evaluating the success status of the applicants. Students who come from abroad under the student exchange program approved by the university and bounded by an agreement can register. Students are required to certify English Language Proficiency in order to register for the program. International students are accepted on the basis of their internationally validated SAT, ACT, or secondary school graduation notes in the framework of the International or Foreign Student Application, Admission and Registration Directive .

Conditions for Success
1. Having knowledge about the basic structure of humans (anatomy, cells and tissues, physiology, biochemistry and immune system) and basic features of diseases,2. Having basic knowledge about microorganisms and parasites and their diseases,3. Having knowledge about disinfection, sterilization and hygiene,4. Know measurement methods,5. Recognizing laboratory tools and equipment,6. Having detailed knowledge about the preanalytical, analytical and post analytical phases, the students will be able to plan,7. Ensure that samples taken from the patient are stored and protected under appropriate conditions,8. Making material analyzes (biochemical, microbiological, immunological, pathological, hematologic etc.)9. Checking the material analysis results and delivering them to the laboratory specialist,10. Ensure that laboratory equipment is calibrated and maintained regularly and that it is operated in the most efficient manner,11. Being knowledgeable about critical values ??and being able to provide coordination by informing the clinician about the results in a most convenient and quick way if necessary12. Having the ability to critically evaluate the information he or she has learned after graduation,13. Being able to communicate with colleagues, patients and physicians with a professional and ethical responsibility,14. Taking precautions related to health and work safety in the working environment, knowing the first intervention in injuries,15. Monitoring professional technological developments.In order to graduate, students must have successfully completed 120 ECTS credits in four semesters and have achieved at least 2.00 overall academic averages according to the 4th system.

Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Medical laboratory technicians can work in hospitals, medical faculties, special analysis laboratories, research centers of other health institutions, hygiene institute of food industry and food industry enterprises. They can work in research centers and institutions and organizations engaged in research and development studies in medicine.

Legal Basis

Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Open Address